Reported. Reported! Gah

What does that have to do with getting banned or not? Hint: it doesn’t. Don’t break the ToS and you won’t get banned. Simple stuff.

It has to do with claiming offense for fraudulent purposes, which is VERY hard to prove, since personal feelings and interpretations have a large bearing on the decision, which is why the forums are kinda in a tizzy right now about it.

Maybe you won’t get banned, you still have to deal with investigations and squelches, whether or not they have any merit. Is that okay? To be nervous at any time you can eat a squelch and just sit and wait to be tended to by overworked GMs, that trolls can silence you for a few hours just cause they can claim to be upset? Most of this can be fixed by just ignoring a player, most issues, again, not including threats or hate speech or harassment, reports shouldn’t be given for something you don’t like hearing.

It would be cool if after reports, a GM comes in, sees what you did, what the logs say, THEN decides. I think squelches usually are counter productive. Easy to abuse. Even if proven innocent, they had to deal with the hassle. Where as, people can ignore, and then after a bit the GM comes in, decides, and if they deserve a punishment, give it, and then give the reporter a notice, aka thanks for making wow a better place, we can’t go into specifics, but thank you, which they do right now. I know, I have reported for cheating before.

All this controversy, the rules, the problems, you can disagree if you like, thats fine, but shrugging your shoulders and saying its all ‘Simple stuff’ is not fair, or sensible. Some have legit concerns. I make a point not to belittle others, regardless of their view points.

Counter point. Or we can just agree because we have too in order to play the game and not read the rules and make them up as we go along. Since that is what most people did anyways cause no one cares about stupid social contracts that is only done for PR.

I love making counter points. Anyways… this thread has run it’s course.

If self-righteous passive/aggressiveness were converted to engine power, this thread would have enough thrust to rocket itself to outer space. And back. Twice.


In other words, you continue to do what you want, and it is everyone else’ responsibility to “tiptoe on eggshells” around you?

No, they don’t have to change. However, should they (you) say things in a public place or forum you have to be ready to accept that nobody is obligated to agree, and nobody is obligated to indulge in your opinion.

Your threat comes across like a compliment . Leave if you like, or ignore me, that is your choice. :alien: :ghost: :melting_face:

Absolutely, just like in real life, if you go to the middle East and start bashing a religion there, you’ll likely be killed. If you do it in the US, you will probably have the majority agree with you these days.

I’m all for being inclusive but there is a limit to some of this stuff (like trying to teach kindergartners about certain topics) and we’re just about there I think. :joy: You can only push a narrative so hard before people forcibly rebel against it.

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The fact this isn’t immediately obvious to ANYONE terrifies me.
History books exist for a reason, yall.

And, I wanna add something since my reply was getting a bit too much like a novel in its length, I will also admit that the whole crack down has done good, too. Trolling, hate speech, threats, its gone down, but the problem as I stated is everything is negatively affected, I’d argue moreso then the intended targets, but its not all bad. I am a realist, and I try to notice all sides of an issue.


As any intelligent person should.

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I fully agree. That sine-wave at work.

To be fair, we talk to kids about different sex relationships all the time ("Who’s your bf? Is that your little gf?) to three year olds and no one bats an eye, but make it not different sex and suddenly people go into a tizzy.

Anyway, probably not a subject we should discuss here, so I will leave it at that. :slight_smile:


Hard to not talk about it now that you’ve given an opinion but I’ll do my best :joy:

Squelch ranks up there with moist for some of my least favorite words.


If you think being told: “Hey, don’t be rude.” is somehow stifling your creativity, there’s a separate issue.

Because Free Speech protects you from the government, not privately owned businesses. Which is how it’s been. You know. For a long time.

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I’d have to agree. This season of Stranger Things had a lot of squelching noise in the subtitles. Do we REALLY need that? Thanks.

But we got rid of 001!!!

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We should repurpose this thread to be about food. I am hungry.

Know what I want, but its REALLY hard to find except at gas stations? Jalapeno cheese filled corndogs. Mmgh. Truely it is a burden to have a refined and demanding palette.

I love corndogs like a fish loves water so I could go for that.

Might get Chipotle idk yet