Reported. Reported! Gah

I have thought about it, and I came to a very different conclusion than you have.

Do you support BLM out of curiosity?

I thought it was an attempt at an insult, so I didn’t bother answering it. In general, I do care. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be answering you right now.

You shouldn’t feel stupid; many were told that naughty words are always bad. But in some context, they can sometimes be used around your peers, and it’s kind of funny. They’re just words that create different effects depending on their use. I’ll repeat this; it’s rarely used in a context where its purpose is to convey hostility toward another person.

I think that if you can’t stand seeing bad words, you already have the option to /ignore these individuals. I do not believe using bad words is a good enough reason to stop them from playing the game. But, I am not on the “right” side on this, as Blizzard stated that it doesn’t agree with me on the matter.

I’d argue that the mechanics they’ve introduced in their Diablo Immortal game are viler than any swear words out there. They should probably ban themselves.

Not everyone here is American, but yes I do.

Edit: Actually, they aren’t just American.


Everyone should. Especially since they have historically NOT mattered


The idea behind it is great but the leaders behind it have fooled you.


The fact that they just want to sell you shirts, and not actually help the people that need it?

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Yeah, every leader is terrible, but the movement is what people support, not leaders. AT LEAST that is what they should, unless apparently in politics.

Oh boy, what have I done.

This really depends on what you consider “gaming slang”. If it’s people using the typical 4 letter words, I don’t care.

If it’s people using the mysoginist, racist, or homophobic “gamer words”, I don’t really feel like I need to be empathetic or tolerant of intolerance, yaknow?

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Yeah, I don’t think these forums have the collective I.Q. required for this discussion.

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You shouldn’t get reported for generically swearing or cursing.

You might get reported for directing harsh language toward someone though, particularly if the harshness is amplified through swearing or cursing.

Words aren’t just words when they’re given energy and direction.

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I do agree. I would give a chat ban to those people. I wouldn’t ban them from the game, though.

One member of a PvP community I used to be in wrote a typo in a flag map before. “Focus the flag”, he wanted to say. Unfortunately, the “L” wasn’t present! LOL

If you want to help, do anything but support BLM and instead donate to actual communities that need it. If you want to help, expose BLM for what it actually is. Fake.


Yeah, again depends. First offense, sure. 20th offense, maybe it’s time for an extended break. An extremely extended break.

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OMG, irony is totally lost on some of us

To this, I completely disagree. In the context of this game, especially when competition or goals are involved, profane, shaming behavior is rampant. Toxicity has been distilled for 17 years, and it is a problem.

I appreciate your humility. This still does not mean that anyone is responsible for managing anyone else’s bad behavior. The choices are black and white. You conform to what your fellow players feel is acceptable, or leave. There is no invisible tether holding your feet to the fire, you are here because you want to be. All you need to do is respect the rest of us, and we in turn.


Yeah I have gotten popped on the forums a few times, but moderation here at time is
 I won’t say. :slight_smile:

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Oh I absolutely deserved it. It took a while to get my anxiety medication right and odd things used to just set me off.

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I would use my meds (or not taking them as an excuse), but sometimes people just need to be told something even if I will have to pay the price. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah but you can call someone an SOB (spelled out) or you can tell them you hope their boat sinks and their mother is unsuccessful in raising help as she runs barking along the shore. It’s all about delivery. :slight_smile: