A lot of us work(ed) in the tech industry. What you can and want to say in the break room or at the smoker’s pole is not what you say in a team meeting or teleconference. How you behave affects others in various ways. Being unwilling to curb your language indicates a general lack of respect and a general inability to tolerate other people. You just don’t care what they think. In that vein, they just might not want you around. Hence rules. The world is not obligated to excuse you because you do not want to fit.
You think this system doesn’t have flaws? It’s automated. Automation is stupid imo.
Read what you just wrote. “Learning how to behave in public” if you say something like that to an adult in the real world, you’re taking a severe risk.
Live and let live. Y’all want to control people; it’s weird. It’s entirely based on subjective standards of people that are just so terribly faint-hearted.
If humans were all like that, I’m pretty sure some random lion would’ve taken down our civilization during the Paleolithic period. lol
I’ve reported one of my friends before, because I thought it would be funny. They said some really ToS stuff.
I have too much respect for my liver to play the free speech drinking game.
If it openly denigrates someone it’s still a violation of the rules and should be punished.
But any contextual use of profanity is a violation per se, so as far as simply emphasizing emotional content goes, that’s off limits.
You’re free to tell someone they’re wrong. You’re not free to call them stupid when you do. That’s a very low-level example of the difference between what’s acceptable and what’s not.
I kicked a Hunter from an M+ group after the first pack pull because he fired off Barrage. Any Hunter using that in an M+ needs to reevaluate his talent choices. I told him so after I kicked him. He was . . . unpleasant in return. I’m not required to bend to his poor choices. I am require not to call him a moron when I speak with him about them.
Aka don’t intentionally step in a cow patty and then get angry that there’s poo on your shoe.
REPORTED for using a big word!!!
Yeah… I honestly don’t know anyone that has been actioned in game. I mean I know people are banned sometimes for cheating or botting or whatever… but the rest… eh I dunno.
The forums though… that’s different.
Have you seen how people are behaving on airplanes?
It’s not. Only squelches are automatic, to stop someone from going on a public breakdown binge. Any actual account action is reviewed and handed out by a GM.
Where I’m from, using the language that you’re defending so stridently is what’ll get you beat and/or shot.
Like I said, get used to the standards or leave
Simple solution. Allow your personality to shine in other ways. Crude comments, trolling, and foul language were all catalysts for the enforcement of the Code of Conduct in WoW. Honestly, just acting like a decent person will take you far and help with the community over all. There’s no reason to say MF when you could replace it with Jerk or dang it, depending on how it is intended to be used.
What if you’re wearing the proper attire and it’s not I who gets mad but the others?
How dare you step on my cow patty, that’s mine to eat up!
I’ve never been actioned in WoW (well, on the forums a few times a few years back before I got my meds right). I got a sit-down in Eve Online for unloading on some dude in a “mail” (odd game that). He complained and I got a week suspension which I appealed (and won) because their rule explicitly only covered PUBLIC communication and mail in that game is private.
If you think WoW is the Wild West, spend a few months in Eve Online.
That’s just a bit fizzy if you ask me…
And the sad part of it…the solution is so obvious and so simple. I think these threads are created in the attempt to get permission via popular opinion for behaving badly. Just don’t behave badly is and has always been the answer.
I hear that a lot. Why? How is it disrespectful?
What reason do you have to be offended by the way a word sounds and not the meaning of it?
I mean it sounds great. Of course you want everyone to be respectful. But if you can’t give me a reason why Dang is Is more respectful… I don’t think your offense should matter to anyone else.
Don’t say that to be disrespectful I say that because I feel you’re being illogical.
Of course in context of work I would hold my tongue so as to keep my job. If I’m out in public and you’re offended by something I say just because of the word choice I’m gonna tell you I’m sorry you feel that way, Well not giving you a second thought
I’ve been squelched for saying opinions mainly, like black night elves make no sense or light skinned void elves make no sense and the general public gasps like I punted their new born baby.
Get owned lmao
What if my personality shines like a chunk of bedrock?
Is it someplace where they pretend to be religious while spitting in the face of the poor? A red state?
Gosh, that’s annoying that I actually have to explain this. But, depending on the context, the use of swears can add impact to a conversation. It doesn’t have to be used to convey hostility toward another person. It can be used to put emphasis on something. They’re just words that are part of the vocabulary. Also, using them is fun; it can often ease tension and make things more casual and fun.