"Report to Alleria"

Is she even officially with The Alliance anymore? I get it she was a big Sons of Lothar second war hero, but a lot happened since then. It was a thousand years for her.

She strikes me as something of a free agent at this point. I donā€™t think ā€œwife of the regent-lordā€ counts as a rank.

I didnā€™t like ā€œreportingā€ to her either, if it makes you feel any better.

The only reason thereā€™s a peace treaty is to justify cross-faction play, and the only reason cross-faction play is a thing is that the Alliance playerbase collectively got on its hands and knees and BEGGED Blizzard to add cross-faction play, because the Alliance playerbase so desperately needed the Horde players to save them.

So donā€™t get all uppity.


Itā€™s not our fault that you are playing the inferior faction.

Then go away.

We had plenty of story circulating around horde npcs for years.


Its more like blizzard does such a piss poor job at balancing racials for years that everyone raced changed to blood elf for M+, then race changed to other horde races for m+/ mythic world first/hof progression after belf racial was nerfed.

It started with the try hards and sweats, and once enough people transferred over it just became a feedback loop where more and more casual players tranfer.

Eventually only the civilized players that refused to play characters that live in mudhuts and dont wear shoes stayed on alliance.


I donā€™t even understand why we need there to be peace for crossfaction play. Lore characters canonically cross the faction barrier all the time. Let the Alliance and Horde fight.


You do, because you guys lost the war!


Yes she is. She was even trying to recruit the blood elves back to the Alliance.

Rubbish, Horde has been the dominant PvE faction since Burning Crusade, back when Berserking was based on how close to death you were, and Blood Elves had to Mana Tap 3 times before Torrenting.

Alliance has had better racials going all the way back to vanilla WoW and the days of fear ward.

The reason people played Horde, is that taking advantage of overpowered Alliance racials also meant playing with Alliance players. Which for many was a deal-breaker.

Now you can be in a Horde guild playing with Horde players and still have Alliance racials.


Well guys looks like weā€™re cooked. It was fun while it lasted. Xal wins.

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Did you finish the quest and ā€¦report to Alleria , though? :thinking:


Lmao, Iā€™ve never seen a post summed so accurately by the first in the reply.

ā€œRubbishā€ followed by 3 paragraphs of misinformation. You clearly donā€™t understand why, or how good Belf racials were when M+ first started. Even more so that Dwarf/DiD and Nelf racials are now. It was so strong that blizzard had to nerf it, but it was too late. The population numbers had swayed far enough in that direction, they havent recovered since.

I do, I simply donā€™t give a crap, because Horde was already beating the pants off of Alliance way before M+ even existed, despite Alliance having better racials since vanilla. When people say ā€œnobody played Alliance because of racialsā€, itā€™s ridiculous. The racials are just the first thing that people reach for who donā€™t participate in high-end raiding and donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about, especially historically.


Those are token-characters, nothing more. :slight_smile:

The Horde are nothing but:

  • Villain fodder for the Alliance to heroically triumph over :muscle:


  • are side-characters to the great mighty Alliance heroes, to appear as a token-representations rather than actual meaningful participants :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

At best? :grimacing: Hope youā€™re the second, rather than the first :joy:


But hey ā€¦ When we go to the Undermine, weā€™ll at least get a few goblins to play a small role in a single patch of the expansion, before ultimately going back to the Alliance taking the prime spotlight once more.


U dont hate her more than i hate sylvanas

You donā€™t report to Alleria yet youā€™re a Pandaren that sided with the Hordeā€¦a faction of Pandaren that has seemingly decided to overlook that the Horde tried to consume their homeland in a quest for power. As well as a faction that has repeatedly shown to be prone to acts of terrorism, and youā€™re worried about Intelā€¦


The horde donā€™t even know who to report to anymore. Rip horde

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Eh, Iā€™m more indifferent. She is just so bland, the current day stereotypical girlboss we have seen in every piece of media for the last 10 years.


Blizzard forgot Horde existed or they are trying to erase our existence.

Typical anti Horde expansion.

Alleria is not my friend.


ill join her.

I will defend her to the death.