That quest objective gets more annoying every single time.
I👏Don’t👏Report👏To👏The👏Alliance👏. Give me a Horde leader to relay intel to. There’s plenty lying around Khaz Algar being otherwise useless.
And why Alleria? Personally, I’d rather not work with the single dumbest elf on Azeroth if I can help it.
Yeah your right we should report to Yrel instead.
You jest but at this point I’ll take literally anyone over Alleria. I hate her like you wouldn’t believe. I’d unironically take Med’an over Alleria, that’s how much she upsets me with her continued presence in this story.
I’m impressed you’re able to figure out which elf is the dumbest when they are all so dumb.
That’s odd, i don’t recall ever working with you
I’m… not an elf. Really just came in to prove Adelphie right huh?
Yeah because she’s hogging valuable screentime that should be going to her infinitely cooler and more interesting husband who ISN’T a hubristic piece of crap and who HASN’T unleashed an objectively evil race of void-twisted elves upon Azeroth.
No no, I mean that I’m the stupidest elf in all of azeroth, so when you said that you’d rather not work with the elf that possesses that title (me), i was commenting on how we never did
So don’t do the quest, problem solved.
Oh I get you now. Nah you’re still smarter than Alleria.
Alleria is leading in this in her hunt against Xal’atah. She is not acting as an alliance leader but a standalone force against the main enemy. And in midnight we alliance will have to report to horde leaders.
old male human paladin #237 reporting for duty
Why do you care so much about a Void Elf, OP? She’s integral to the Void portion of the story.
This isn’t a faction thing. Get over it.
You (the Horde) are a conquered people. Deal with it. B-)
We’re ALL hunting Xal’atath. I don’t know what makes her special aside from being a giant liability more often than not.
There are so many other Void/Shadow affiliated characters they could be drawing from for this story that it blows my mind that they decided Alleria would be the only one here.
Rokhan, Natalie Seline, literally anyone from the Council of the Black Harvest
You mean the man who’s done absolutely nothing since returning to Warcraft but sit around Stormwind, after getting upset the “Super” Naaru he worshipped got killed while trying to violate someone without consent?
I fail to see what’s interesting or cool about that. Please, inform us what he has done that was so cool and interesting.
Being the de facto main character of the Second War for starters. You know, the coolest part of Warcraft history? Also, him being an honorary draenei walking around with that swanky High Exarch title is interesting.
The fact that he hasn’t almost gotten me killed on two separate occasions is nice too.
Xal’atah is trying to make Alleria evil by making her give into the evil side of the void. So this is a void-Alleria expansion. Not alliance. I’m sure I wont be hearing complains from you when in midnight were constantly reporting to horde only people.
Alleria is an Alliance character? I though Umbric was an Alliance character, but Alleria is just her own lonely, selfish, maverick thing.
Given the current pattern, I wouldn’t be surprised if Lor’themar, Liadrin and Rommath just die at the start of Midnight and instead, we just follow Tyrande and Vereesa around for the entire expansion.