"Report to Alleria"

Iā€™ve given up on the ā€œwarā€ in world of warcraft. But if our leaders are all buddies now why are we allowed to gank each other in warmode? I mean Thrall and Anduin are best bros forever now. So why are we still fighting each other?

To be fair, they confused since Pandas can be Alliance too.

Gross, potentially likely but still gross.


The dumb ones can.

he is the most boring part of the the second war. the only thing he did of note was bonk alleria. no seriously he even failed to save lothar. its in his npc quotes in the wc2 game. ā€œyou think lotharā€™s death was my fault dont you? I CHALLENGE YOU HEATHEN!ā€

DANATH TROLLBANE has more interesting lines than him. at least his voice is memorable. turalyon just sounds grumpy.


Sheā€™s a hero of Quelā€™thalas and the horde and alliance are political ephemera

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  1. Rokhan has zero to do with the Void.
  2. You just made a thread whining about reporting to an Alliance characterā€¦ and now you want a Stormwind Human? :rofl:
  3. Council of the Black Harvest are Warlocks, which arenā€™t Void beings.

Alleria is the expert on the Void and has the ear of her mentor, who knows more about the Void than any other race of beings in this universe.


nobody likes veressa. not even veressa likes veressa.

Turalyon being in his 20s in WC2 is only funnier because he sounds almost as old as artificially aged Khadgar, too

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dude sounds like hes in his late 40s. ā€œguys im gruff and grumpyā€

Alleria isnā€™t just an Alliance character, is the thing. Sheā€™s a massive long-time Horde HATER.


Wtf I like her more now.
Rare good elf.


And that would be fine if the factions had remained separate, as they should have been.

But Alliance would not shut up about how nobody wanted to play with them, so here we are.


Stopped reading here.
Because it is fine period.


Fixed. You wanted to be heroes. Grats, you are now helping the more heroic organization of Warcraft. Now report to Alleria.


Would you take a less-than-greatly-intelligible Forsaken? :eyes:
I know an undead in Hillsbrad who would fit your uh ā€¦ Desired ā€˜Qualityā€™ lets call it, amongst them!

Their name ā€¦ is Dumass! :partying_face:

Thereā€™s someone I havenā€™t thought of in a while. Heā€™s at least 5 times more intelligent than Alleria though.


Those Hillsbrad quests were amazing though :joy: :joy: :joy:
Seriously, I had so much laughs & fun questing there after the Cata-update, bwahahaha


Not after the Legion retcon that made Shadow and Void the same thing.

Natalie is neutral. Being a human doesnā€™t make you Alliance by default.

Warlocks are experts in bending the Fel and the Void to their will. Itā€™s kind of their whole thing.

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Youā€™d report to the Alliance if weā€™d taken either of our hard-earned opportunities to conquer and disarm you.

You continue to be free because we let you.