Report those you see AFK

Please post on your Classic character. I need to add to my ignore list.

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Why would I report them? They’re being forced into a stupid system because of the Classic community complaining so much about Blizzard planning on using an optimized cloud-base architecture that Blizzard threw their hands up and said “screw it, you get queues”.

Why should I care? They waited in that queue too.

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Well then don’t play on full servers? YOU were warned about this.

Well If 1 of those that cry for hours about the wait then you deserve not to be let In on the server

Yesterday in the Barrens, I saw two people in two locations running in place. Several hours later, same people running in place in the same spot. Not cool.

My bad if i happen to get thirsty or need to poop

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Maybe they could just do a server disconnect every now and then to remove those that are doing this.

This doesn’t do anything, also autorunning doesn’t keep you from logging out. Otherwise everyone would be doing it, there’s really only a couple ways to not get logged out barring any disconnections, a real person or a program that violates TOS.

Yes it does. It keeps you from going afk, which keeps you from getting logged out. I have saw a number of characters doing this the last couple of days.

Maybe it’s pretty obvious they are macro/botting it when they jump in one place or run around in circle for 10+ minutes. I don’t think you need to be Einstein to realize that.

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If you don’t touch your computer for a few minutes whether you’re autorunning or not you will get logged out, just because you see people autorunning into a wall doesn’t mean anything. Try it, auto run into a wall for 30 minutes. You literally have no proof and I know for a fact this is false.

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That is because the entire private server community jumped on board to get better pings and no chance of a server wipe. It was a brilliant move honestly by blizzard.

If you need 30 minutes after your character is flagged afk (I think that’s like 5 min or so) to drop the kids by the pool, you might want to check with a doctor or check your diet.

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Then why do people autorun into walls? For the fun of it? :thinking: Asking honestly here, not being sarcastic.

Then they must be using something else to cheat the system while autorunning into walls to keep from getting logged out because I have saw this a number of times the last couple of days as I said.

It’s not autorun. Someone has a key depressed for run.

They’re either visiting their computer every few minutes and inputting a key randomly or they have a program that violates Terms of Service which I don’t know how they find people that use them but they have banned people for using them so I’m sure they’re already on it.

Going shopping? Making dinner for your family?

Those things take a lot longer than 10-15 mins.

You’re just being selfish. “Oh, I had to sit through 5 hours of queue so now I’ll stay in as long as I want.”

Did it ever occur to you that part of the reason your queue was 5 hrs was people like you?

This petty, entitled mentality is taking over every area of life. Everyone thinks that they’re special, that they deserve something, and that since they work hard they should cut a line or ‘get’ something.

It’s so sad that you can’t empathize with other people and respect them enough to allow them an equal chance at playing.


All you have to do is run forward and press your num lock to engage autorun, but if you don’t input any actions after that you’ll end up getting logged out. Not sure how long it takes I think its upwards of 15-30 minutes but it happens.

Ah ok, thanks for the clarification Mickymoo and Saeba.