Report Appeal System Needs to Be Changed

I’ve done neither of those things and at this point I doubt Blizzard will take your clear abuse of the report system seriously. Also google what ad homonym is for me.

you called someone a “harpy”. please stop playing like you are stupid. you are clearly smarter than this.

Refrain? Is that the word you were looking for?

I was about to say that…

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could be. glad it didnt muddy the message

And this is the part where I ignore your hysterical and emotional rambling as it has become clear that you can’t be reasoned with. The only person that has treated anyone with prejudice, hatred or bigotry is you.

I’m not convinced it’s an act.

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I don’t reason with people who think its ok to call someone hurtful things and face no consequences for their actions. When you say something hurtful and mean and bully someone you should lose privileges.

Do you have anything of substance to say or are you just going to keep trying to antagonize me in a blatant trolling attempt. Why are you even here? What do you think that I’ve done to deserve your misguided vitriol?

That much is clear.

from what we can tell, its your histrionic behavior

Not remotely.

You are making claims that are demonstrably false, that affect the way the game operates.

Oh, ok, that’s good, good to know, so now that we are on the same pa… wait… hold on.

So you DON’T understand then?

There is nothing draconian about it, and while the basis of bans may be automated, their revocation isn’t. The fact that you haven’t been unbanned is evidence for neither.

No, it’s not. You want to believe it is, because you think you should be able to insult people without recourse, but this is not reality. Privately owned entities can police their services as they see fit, provided they do not break the law.

I wasn’t talking about what you can do on the forums. I was talking about what you can do in response to a ban. You can say what you want here… provided you don’t call people insufferable harpies and get yourself banned.

Yes, it is. Here, it is. Again; your opinion on the matter is utterly irrelevant.

Go for it. Hope you brought your checkbook and a budget for it. Blizzard aint gonna be paying.

I was actually about to suggest we drop the harpy thing, given you did the appropriate thing and deleted the remark, but whatever.

You didn’t ask me but I’m still wondering what it is you exactly want.

Because you already said you were able to type “words in English” in an appeal and I assume you did that to explain why you were unfairly actioned.

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I think OP is hotheaded and refuses to accept the new social norms. He seems to think if he is allowed to rant endlessly that he will get his way. We call these people karens. They never seem to get that their bullying hurts others, but when they are called out on their BS they ALWAYS act like a victim. They want to contact the manager and endlessly blather on until whatever resulted in their ban gets overturned. They think that their line of reasoning is the ONLY line of reasoning and are incapable of seeing beyond their own noses that their actions have consequences. They want to be free to call others names and be free from said consequences because they were “just grasping at straws” “please give me mercy”. When they rarely show others mercy. I can’t speak that OP doesn’t show mercy in their personal life but as a rule of thumb they tend to target people with their anger then get offended when others speak up and say “yeah no you were being really uncool dood”

Do you deny that people are responding angrily to my words? That irrefutably demonstrates a LOT of care towards my opinion.

Well go ahead and demonstrate it then, orc.

I don’t think you know what the word means.

If you’re going to keep assuming that I’ve been banned, when I haven’t been then I think I’m going to start ignoring your animalistic frothing as well.

And there you go again. My account has not been actioned for anything. It may be an alien concept for you to grasp, me advocating for change while not having any “skin in the game” but that is what I am doing.

Legally, yes, morally no. And I care more about freedom of speech than the rights of corporations.

The fact that you and the people who reported me keep saying the word “harpy” tells me that that word isn’t as bannable as you all make it to be. It’s almost like you or they were just scanning for anything at all to report me for because you don’t like what I have to say and would prefer to use other means to silence me.

Wow, truly a skillful argument. “No it isn’t” “Yes it is!” I cannot match such staggering intellect.

I will, thanks.

Actually I see a lot of bullying going on from both sides. There’s no difference in calling someone a “karen” and a “harpy”. Both are used to insult the person you’re talking to.


your appeal to emotions isn’t going to change anything. You were banned, why can’t you just accept that fact? If you were truly innocent you would post in the customer service section and you would have what you wanted, a place where you can state your innocence. The peanut gallery gets to see what you actually said as posted by a blue from the logs. What are you afraid of? Being wrong?

Oh, how foolish of me to swat away your benevolence and mercy. Please, forgive me oh noble arbiter of morality and ethics!

From my experience (though so far one person has suggested that this is not the case) you are not able to actually use words to appeal a punishment. You can press the appeal button and this just bumps the issue to a separate Blizzard employee. Though I’ve heard of people using the “I can’t pay for a purchase” button and writing a ticket and then communicating their appeal in that ticket rather than for the subject the channel they actually used to make the ticket is for.

so post in the customer service forums, there is a place to state your case.

its a real knife fight of hot heads.

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