Report Appeal System Needs to Be Changed

The thing is, your freedom of speech isn’t protected against anything other than government intervention. If I invite you into my home and tell you that I expect you not to use profanity and you later drop a few f-bombs, The 1st Amendment does not preclude me throwing you out onto the street.

No, no, please… do go on. You certainly deserve everything you have coming to you.

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From my experience, or my husband’s I should say, you are able to plead your case several times.

He was falsely banned (then suspended) for, I’m not even sure because they kept changing what he did. Anyways, I was able to type entire paragraphs in every appeal.

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I wouldn’t classify me trying to use a benign insult against someone who is clearly antagonizing me as “bullying” but if you see it that way I probably can’t dissuade you.

Legally, and for all intents and purposes that is correct. That doesn’t mean, however, that morally, that is how it should be. If a country wishes to be a place that holds freedom as sacred then freedom of speech should be federally protected against corporations “rights” to limit free speech. More simply: I value freedom of speech of the masses far above the “rights” corporations and for-profit entities.

When was this? And how did you accomplish this? I don’t know of any way to appeal a ban that actually allows you to do that. From what I’ve seen, you can mark your punishment as desiring an appeal and then that is bumped to a GM. No text box ever appears for you to actually input why or how you think your punishment wasn’t fairly administered.

If you’re against freedom of speech just say that. And America has a whole amendment about protecting freedom of speech, so it’s obvious that the founding fathers at least, held freedom of speech to be quite high on the list of priorities.

there are recent cases of goverment restricting speech through these types of platforms. for example, twitter and face-i mean, “meta” covid " misinformation " madness.

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it doesnt, freedom of speech without any limit is just fake news country and the hate speech would easly stop any meaningful argument.

So you believe that I should be constitutionally required to tolerate your profanity in my home?

You can actually appeal in the customer service forums and blues there respond and can elevate things for you if your husband was innocent. They tend to show things to the public and as a result, you. There are multiple stages where you can even apologize and get your account back or simply go buy a new one. Sucks but that is the breaks in a game like this.

If I had a choice between that and the ability for social media platforms and online forums to censor and mute whoever they want for whatever reason then I’ll gladly choose the former. Your right to limit my freedom of speech in your home is far less important than freedom of speech as a whole. And that’s ignoring the fact that I am only suggesting that the government stops corporations and businesses from limiting free speech, not individuals in their own house.

the founding father also allow people to own other people, who cares what they thought?

and putting limit on things is not hating those things, I love fast car but I dont think people should be allow to drive as fast as they want

No, it demonstrates care toward the game and its community. I couldn’t give a toss about you. Your name won’t exist in my head 10 minutes after I leave the forum.

It already has been, many times, in this very thread.

I think you absolutely know what that word means, and are using it to evoke an emotive response utterly irrelevant in the context.

I get that your schtick is pretending to be the calm, rational voice in a sea of vitriol, but given that other people are capable of reading, you are fooling precisely nobody. You do realise that, right? This is a frequent tactic that the right try to employ that never works. You are the one that called someone a screeching harpy, nobody else. I am perfectly calm, nothing that I am saying could reasonably be taken to imply anything to the contrary.

You said you haven’t been actioned in, and I quote, “a couple of months”, implying that you have been actioned prior to that. Then, given that it is a reasonable implication from the context that you think a couple of months is a long time to avoid an account action, it is perfectly reasonable to assume you get muted regularly, at the very least.

Am I misremembering you saying the words “I haven’t had my account actioned for a couple of months”? Was it someone else? If so, I apologize. If not, rofl.

Freedom of speech APPLIES to corporations. Even your conceptual version, that exists only in the heads of people like you. Blizzard owns this game and this forum; it is their property, to do with as they please. Do you think people should be able to come to your house and shout at the top of their voice in your livingroom in the middle of the night?

Here you go again, pretending that context isn’t important. None of us is using the word to describe someone else. It is not the same as calling someone a racist slur or a female dog, but the sexist overtone is incredibly clear.

It is an argument commensurate with the context. You said “that’s not how it works” and I said “yes it is”. I suppose this is in equal parts self-deprecating, since the response is identical to the claim?

Good for you! It’s been a whole… 2 months since your last mute?

Afraid not. The CS forum is not a means to circumvent the ticket system. The Support Forum Agents can advise and clarify policy, but they don’t work tickets.

how do you feel about fifa world cup ?

I feel like thats a whole different issue and I would never use Qatar as an example of something that should be done by everyone

Dang. I didn’t think Austin was that bad.

Early 2018. Once I was notified he was banned, I immediately appealed it. Btw, there wasn’t an option on the email to appeal, I did the same thing Finzakdor did.

well… its not just by qatar these horrible acts are being done.
i just really want to know your opinion on the modern day slave era but if you want one in the US…
how about our prison system? whats your opinion on that?

I generally believe people should enjoy the freedom to do whatever they like, as long as it does not endanger anybody else, or infringe on another’s freedom to do whatever they wish.

I mean, this just further proves the point that free speech as it exists in the minds of populist right-wingers doesn’t exist. The government is absolutely allowed (and must) limit free speech in many specific cases; covid being one such example.

Sorry but you are not a good decent person and definitely not a good judge of what is good in life. This tells me everything I need to know about you. My suspicions were correct. You tend to barrel through life without even a second thought for how your actions affect others. Then when you are called out YOU act like a victim as you have multiple times. Your histrionic appeals emotion changes nothing and people tend to see through it. You are NOT free from consequences. You are not allowed to take another person’s right to conduct their lives nor their business.