Report Appeal System Needs to Be Changed

So what you’re saying is that you knowingly attempted to skirt the forum rules and represent a word that is banned on the privately owned forums, and think it is unfair you received a ban?

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People seem to care an awful lot about my opinion based on the torches and pitchforks that came up in this thread.

Once again, I fully understand how the current system operates. I am not suggesting that it doesn’t operate the way that it does I am suggesting that it be changed and that the current system is a complete load of rubbish based on draconian “laws” and automated punishment systems.

This is patently false but that is off-topic and I don’t feel the need to go down that rabbit hole.

On the contrary, that is exactly what the forums are for: voicing our opinions. You don’t have to agree with my opinion but you are forced to abide my being able to express it.

That’s not how rules work buddy boy.

If you like a merciless, apathetic system, then more power to you. I however will continue to advocate that it be changed.

That is unfortunate. Like I said, people will complain about things that are 1/10 on the problem spectrum, but then their kids are doing hard drugs at school, all is well.

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we do. it is fair.

I see.

So please do tell, how do you confirm if someone is abusing the report feature?

dont try to even contort what i say anylonger.
it brings a sour taste to my mouth.
what im saying is the simple thing " lmao " the other poster posted got me 3 week suspension.
that is all.

all is hell

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It absolutely does! You just refuse to admit that because you’re intellectually dishonest!

Being that I’ve never said or done anything racist and my account has never been permabanned either on Classic or the decade or so I’ve been playing retail wow before that, and I’ve never been reported for ever saying anything racist in the game, you tell me.

But of course you rather assume that I am a racist and assume that I’m lying, because if someone accused me of being a racist it MUST be true.

So why are you coming up with hypothetical scenarios instead of just stating facts as they are? You are so off base its not even funny.

i’m a rabbit, and i can confirm there is no rabbit hole here.

your precious “free speech” doesn’t apply here, or in game.

freedom of expression, maybe… but that doesn’t come with freedom of consequences.


That’s a good question. The only way to report someone for abusing the report feature is if they announce they reported someone that they clearly dislike for saying something that doesn’t break any rules or if they imply that other people should abuse the report system. I report people for that all the time because it happens all the time. And hope that the draconian, automated report system does some good for a change.

we have freedom of speech, what we don’t have is freedom from consequences which is what I think OP wants. Not going to happen.

Yes, and I’m saying the threshold is one.

So you are admitting you are weaponizing the report system to report people saying stuff you don’t like?

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(oh look, i said a thing… but i didn’t do the thing!)

so… hmmm…

who are you to judge what is good or not calling others sexist misogynist names?

Your thread doesn’t make any sense. It looks like you were able to explain why you think you were unfairly actioned.

Are you complaining you couldn’t do it the first time around…? Or that you can’t talk to live support?

Also, just from reading your replies, you do this a lot. Why does Blizzard need to listen to you whine about the same thing over and over?

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Okay then, since you keep pushing the subject, I’ll say this. Freedom of speech is a concept. It is not confined to legality. Either I am free to speak my mind or I am restricted from doing so. It doesn’t matter if a government or a corporation or a bully on the street attempts to inhibit my freedom of speech, my freedom to speak is still being encroached upon.

You can argue, that under America’s current legal system that freedom of speech need only be protected from the government itself, but that’s besides the point. Freedom of speech is still something that can be violated by anyone at any time legal or not.

I’m not in the habit of sugarcoating my words, or pulling my punches.

I’ll ignore the acknowledged, yet uncorrected misgendering, though.

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yes but you are not free from the consequences of your actions. you and your broken ideals are no longer welcome in society.

sugar what you want or REFRAIN ( a cute undead corrected my spelling ) from doing so but in all aspects of a conversation…
to punch is to lose.

i still think your lovely regardless ;3