Report Appeal System Needs to Be Changed

Do you understand what hypotheticals are? I am literally playing WoW Classic on my lvl 71 mage and finishing up the Thanksgiving event as we speak. I have multiple characters and I’ve had them all since the beginning of Classic.

All that happened that resulted in me saying that phrase that you quoted is me knowing that permaban IS an option for Blizzard to levy against you. I DO NOT know exactly what leads to that, but if you actually bothered to read some of my posts before jumping to wild conclusions and trying to rile people against people, you would have saw me explaining how I understand Blizzard’s punishment escalation system to work. I am under the impression that merely calling someone “stupid” that exact word, nothing else, nothing worse or better, is enough to push your account to be permabanned if you say it enough times.

You seem to think that it is ONLY the N-word that results in that. And I am absolutely certain that that is not the case. Death threats, stalking, other racist slurs, I’m sure are all on the table for getting one permabanned, if it is only reserved for the most heinous infractions, as you suggest.

But I am under the impression that it is a punishment that is used once you reach a threshold of violations. Not merely a severity of violations. I may be wrong, but that is the precept that I am working under. And I would appreciate it if you would stop treating me with venom and hostility for something that I’ve never done.

surely if he was able to talk to the mods that banned him, this would be his reasoning. He would surely be unbanned post haste as they desperately need his $15. /sarcasm

then stop doing things that result in multiple actions taken on your account

I’m not really here for justification. Stating facts as I see them, and correcting misconceptions when they present themselves. I do not, though, that nobody has told me I’m wrong.

My guy, if you’re cause so much chaos on the forums/in-game, you need a baby sitter, and to stay off the internet, you’re gonna get yourself in serious trouble lol.
How the hell did you get in that much trouble when I’ve only been silenced once in 2 1/2 years. You gotta be pissing everyone off.

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you are not allow to insult someone

my beloved orc queen, do so without poking the angry bull and everyone will see your truths as just truths.
not as venomousness.

edit: not an orc or a qqueen. im a blind fox.

A lot of “things” seem to tell you all sorts of irrational and ridiculous ideas.

I don’t report people for any reason except for abusing the report feature as I find reporting people and the cancel culture around the abuse of reporting others to be reprehensible. You can make of that what you will but you insisting that I am a racist merely on the basis that you mistakenly believe I’ve been permabanned is not only irrational but completely hysterical.

I was silenced the other day for the first time ever and I said to myself “man I should really rethink my strategy here” I didn’t go on an hour long rant about how the blues are bad people and that I should be able to state my case. In fact they give you a little paragraph place to state your case and they still went with the silence on my part. My bad, I learned and moved on.

You can be permabanned on your first offense, depending on the offense. Don’t ever fool yourself into thinking you’ll always be afforded a second chance.

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Hysterical people causing a ruckus based on imagined wrong-doings isn’t my fault. I can’t stop hysterical people from practicing their hysteria and inciting witch-hunts.

I refer you to the TOS

Again; nobody cares about your opinion but you. We aren’t in a democracy, or a legal system. Even in the real world, cancel culture isn’t a thing, and nobody cares about it in any real sense besides the people braying about it. It is utterly meaningless in any legal context; “free speech” does not exist besides the limitation of government restricting your speech. It is an invented, nonexistent concept.

You don’t get to have an opinion on the matter and act as if that opinion is relevant. If you broke the rules, and got banned, and the GM did not undo it, you broke the rules. Period. There is no mercy, no lesser crime, no anything else.

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I didn’t say that you couldn’t be. I am fully aware that you can be permabanned no matter how many prior infractions you’ve accumulated. I did not say that permabans were reserved ONLY for reaching a threshold, I said that I believe they are a possibility ONCE you’ve reached the threshold.

How can you tell? Last I recall, being reported isn’t announced and more so if it’s false. Unless it’s a case of some chucklehead going “Reported!”. Then that is a case of letting Barrens chat go to your head…

I mean you yourself has said you dont really know the rules or how they enforced, multiple people clearly know the rules are not only teaching you them but also explaining why you were punished.

you keep arguing and coming up with one crazy scenario after another once the first one is debunked.

if anything you would be the only histerical one here

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I mean if he has been in that much trouble already, the warning label doesn’t matter bud, just rip that band aid right off lmao.

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“I only report people for reporting people.”

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heres something of an example.
i was suspended for that.
legit. since the " a " stands for something i was banned from the forums for 3 weeks.

it’s got nothing to do with your ideas.

perhaps you should stop playing the victim.

but seeing as you keep pushing, do you deserve to be called racist?

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