Report Appeal System Needs to Be Changed

Actually it’s more sexist than anything else. It’s also a derogatory term for a grasping, unpleasant woman. Context is important

I didn’t say they didn’t. I said that the system allowed you in the past to appeal your punishment by actually speaking to your punishers. And this was in fact the case. I’ve had forum GM’s deny this but no one’s given me any evidence and I know first hand that the contrary is true.

This is honestly the first time I’m hearing this. What else is sexist? Calling someone a witch? A medusa? Any gendered mythical creature is a considered a misogynistic slur now? I honestly used that word because I assumed that it was a completely harmless insult.

they dont just hand out permabans, it is bad for business. You literally had to say something BAD enough for them to remove you from the game. That is what happened and whatever lies you are telling us and refusing to post in customer service states everything I need to know about you. If you are innocent as you bang your chest hysterically, while calling someone known sexist names as “harpy”, speaks volumes as to you as a person. You are preaching to the peanut gallery instead of asking a Blue to look it over. If you did nothing wrong you should have nothing to hide.

If you ignore this one more time I’m really just going to not respond to you anymore.

Unlikely, with your vocabulary, I doubt it.

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yes you did right here

yea i know of that connotation but… racist? o.O

if im being honest the OP is hot headed and needs to a 5 min break before the next round of flurries.
his point is solid, this system is broken but the conversation hes having is not conductive.
not just his fault either… allot of folks here are giga combative.

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Yeah, no idea why would be banned multiple times and think you deserve an appeal of some kind.

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its such a mystery :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, historically those terms are used to describe women in a negative light, and people still use those comparisons today. I highly doubt you are that naive.

I’ve rarely used that insult in my entire life, I was just grasping at straws trying to find a word that I could use to express my anger in a way that wasn’t reportable. Clearly I was mistaken. And you don’t have to believe me, the only way I’ve heard that word used was to describe an angry screeching person, because it depicts the creatures in World of Warcraft. If I get banned for using a word that refers to a creature IN WORLD OF WARCRAFT… then Blizzard really is unsalvageable.

It might as well be “actionable” for players calling other people on the forums a troll or an ogre. That is exactly what I assumed the word harpy to be comparable to.

If you’re unsure if your actions violate this code of conduct, reconsider them. We reserve the right to restrict offending accounts as much as necessary to keep Blizzard games a fun experience for all players.

People get silenced on the forums all the time for that. I admit, I have been sent to time out for calling people trolls.

That right there is a oxymoron. Insults are DESIGNED and by their very nature is to harm and wound. They are not merely harmless.

brother in chris…
dunk thy head in water for it be steaming.
fall back into the pocket of the topic. return to the basics of what your points where. its solid enough to where you cant be criticized legitimately.

It speaks volumes that you believe such a thing exists.

Of course, you do seem to hold quite a few beliefs with little or no basis in reality.

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Something tells me that when you were called racist in game that you responded with a racist slur that got you permabanned. You grasp at straws often instead of asking in customer service and using the report button? methinks yes. You are not this naive. Stop. You are not innocent. You are guilty of whatever you were permabanned for.

this is clear antagonization.
i cant see you as justified when it comes to such comments.

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Cognitive dissonance doesn’t suit you friend. If your expectations aren’t met, then everything must be the apocalypse? Sounds like an expectation problem, not a regulation problem.

Either way I’ve heard worse. The only thing is, people dial 911 for events that are a 1/10 on the scale of “issues.” When it comes to the 9/10 issues, they’re on the forums and don’t report. Pretty sure most of it is drama, but whatever. Just be nice.

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Female dogs are called a word starting with b, but if you call a human woman a b it is utterly misogynistic. This is a ludicrous line of argument. You used the term because it had a connotation of a screeching female monster, to invoke an intrinsically sexist idea.

If you actually have no idea what you’re doing, you shouldn’t be playing videogames with humans anyway. Chances are you think you are just being smart and winning on technicalities, when you aren’t fooling a soul.

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You do that a lot, I’ve noticed.