Report Appeal System Needs to Be Changed

Your freedom isn’t at stake; your access to a videogame is. There is a balance between cost and efficiency. They can see your history. They can see you have never had a speeding ticket. It is completely up to them if they place any value in that. You don’t get to say “oh, that was only a minor infraction, that doesn’t really count”.

Stop doing the things that Blizzard has overtly told you are against the rules, EVEN if you don’t agree with them being as such. Your opinion is irrelevant.

If you’ve been banned TWENTY times for the same thing, and continue to repeat that action, then I would hope that a permaban is the next step. You don’t get to decide what is a minor action or worthy of a ban. If you broke the rules and got banned, your only recourse is to not do the same thing again.

Again; not a court of law, no high stakes at play. Your appeal is simply to say “please check the logs, I don’t think this is right”. That’s it.

Why? You said “in before blah blah blah”, showing you know very clearly what the answer is; stop doing things that get you reported. Plenty of people play the game and engage with other people without ever being reported. However ok you think your behavior is, you are wrong.

Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant. If the “mob” reports you and the GM does not unban you, you did, in fact, break the rules.

Why? Your words don’t change anything about the facts. The GMs can already see what you were reported for and decide based on that. Your opinion on the validity of the ban or the worthiness for mercy is not relevant.

Believe what you want. Reality doesn’t care if you believe it or not. Just means the GM was doing something they weren’t supposed to be doing or didn’t understand things. I’ve had one GM say context matters and another GM said it didn’t…

and you keep accusing the GMs of being mistaken, while refusing to relate what the “ban” (which is probably actually a suspension) was for.

I’ll believe claims when there is evidence for a claim. You are not reality and your words do not dictate reality. I am saying that your claims are false, not denying reality.

They were doing exactly what any moral human being is supposed to do, treat others the way they wish to be treated.

Do you actually think this is a valid logical rebuttal to what I just said? “Well I don’t like your ideas so you DESERVE to be called a racist and treated as such.” That is exactly what your argument is right now.

because you should have simply reported them and moved on with your life. you should have never said anything back. let’s assume your innocence for a bit. What did you respond with? Now let’s assume you are guilty. Mods read the convo. They are VERY fair. I would even go so far as to say that they don’t make mistakes and if after you appealed the ban ANOTHER mod looked it over and agreed. Two people agreed that you deserved a permaban. You confirmed that racism was the topic and gave yourself out here. Your racism resulted in a permaban. Now be a man and take it.

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Lesson to be learned… “Don’t run your mouth”.

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OP, please, please, post over in the Customer Support forum. It’s been so long since my schadenfreude has been sated.

I’m begging you… PLEASE.


You. I was talking about YOU. Because you keep hysterically and emotionally insisting I’m a racist and that I’ve been reported for racism and trying to stoke other people into believing your slander against me. I am not a racist. My account has never been actioned for being a racist. And your accusations are not only highly irrational they are extremely offensive and distressing. Your completely irrational assumption that because I mistakenly or not believe that you can be permanently banned for calling someone stupid, means that I’ve been banned for “saying the N-word” something I knew not to ever do since I’ve been a child. And this is all based upon your unproven claim that one can only be banned for saying racial slurs.

I would say they’re more like you. Quick to condemn and automatically treat anyone with disdain and hatred for even the implication that they did something you deem offensive.

No I didn’t. Even once. You made the completely unfounded assumption that I did and went from there. You’re a witch hunt inciting fanatic.

Your sadistic desire to humiliate others isn’t even relevant to this situation. As of this moment my account hasn’t received action in several months. There is nothing for a GM to “expose”

its not a employee imo.
i think its a auto service.

did you desrve the silence? i need to understand your side if i am going to pull water for this topic.

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oddly enough Blizz is a company that uses humans still

so you were at fault. good to know.

My OP is based on hypotheticals and experiences that other players have had. It is not a reaction to me being muted or suspended.

Go take your hysteria and vaunted witch hunt somewhere else. It isn’t welcome here. I wish you could look into my mind and see that I’m telling you the truth that I’ve never said or done anything racist in my life so you could be embarrassed at how you treat other people the second you sniff blood in the water.

This may be the end of your streak, then, because this:

is reportable. And actionable.

Yeah, it comments like this that get people in trouble…

look at this racist sexist comment here, it is safe to assume his ingame actions lead to his permaban.

This HAS to be parody. How on earth is me calling someone a harpy racist??? And sexist? It’s literally a mythical creature and I’m talking to a male avatar.

nothing you say at this point exonerates you

oh. i see.
yea the system has its severe abuses atm. people have been mass reported out of dungeons, bgs, etc with zero reason.
i gotta say tho bro bro… your post makes it seem like it was a personal thing.

o.O how is harpy racist?

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I haven’t done anything wrong so I don’t need to be exonerated. It’s amazing that you have zero sympathy for someone because you just ASSUME that they’re a racist and therefore a monster that you must defend others from. I’m just gonna start ignoring you since you have nothing but emotion and vitriol to add to what was a cordial thread.

I really doubt they’re going to answer. They just throw out the term to anyone who they deem to be reprehensible for whatever emotional reason they conjure out of thin air.

They have always had logs. Always.

They only time I have ever seen them let some make an argument is when someone with a disability was flagged for “using a 3rd party app”.