Report Appeal System Needs to Be Changed

I mean you do realize they do infact have everything you did in game right?

if you pick up a fight and stab someone who was gonna stab you, in the real world you have a case for self defense but in wow you get punished too, you shoul never break the rules.

especially when the report button actually works

EDIT: racism is no longer tolerated and I think OP found out the hard way

Why? If they can see why you were reported and why you were banned, what possible reason could there be for you to need to state your case?


Yeah well judges don’t work for free. They clearly saw GM’s as an unnecessary expense that resolved few problems and sometimes escalated it further. Not worth the hassle.

Nope. You’ve never been able to argue your case. Your version of events isn’t relevant. Blizzard goes by their logs. If the logs indicate you’ve done something worthy of punishment, then you are punished. If they don’t, you aren’t. It has been this way since Day One.

If you appeal, yes, a different employee looks at the report and the logs and verifies if the punishment is warranted. Sometimes mistakes are made, after all. If a mistake is discovered, it is corrected. Otherwise, the penalty stands. You can continue to appeal until Blizzard tells you no further appeals will be entertained. Continue beyond that point, and you run the risk of discovering the penalty for GM harassment.


nothing new about it.

it’s just an “in your face” reminder of the EULA which people skim over instead of reading.


Bingo. Bans and mutes get overturned frequently, as well as posts on here un-silenced. They have a process to reverse false reports when they occur. You think your opinion on what constitutes breaking the rules or not matters - this is false. You stating your case implies your position on the matter is important, when it isn’t. If you report that you have been falsely banned and they leave you banned, that’s it. The end.

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You don’t actually get to do that. That’s not what its about. At all. A moderator told me this many years ago back when they still had a phone line. The appeal is NOT there for you to argue your case.

The whole idea that I should be able to appeal something without being able to communicate is basically only acknowledging that Blizzard’s employees frequently make mistakes. It doesn’t however represent any sort of fairness.

Let me ask you a question: what would you prefer? A policeman that listens to you as you explain that you never speed and had only been speeding because you’re new to the area and didn’t see the speed signs as you entered a new speed limit zone? Or a policeman that says “No! Shutup! Don’t talk! I don’t care what you have to say! If you don’t like it then I can see you in court!”

As for your colors analogy… if you represent the person trying to appeal as a rational adult instead of a petulant child demanding that they didn’t do anything wrong, when they clearly did, and instead imagine that the adult being accused of wrong doing wants to try and explain WHY they don’t believe they didn’t do anything wrong, or WHY they believe their punishment doesn’t fit the “crime” and a lesser punishment would be more fair. Or even just to be given a voice at all… then it becomes a lot easier to understand why such a system would be preferable to the current one.

I disagree, if you read my explanation of the way the system works, at least if my understanding is correct, if I call someone stupid, and that is technically against the rules, and I’ve had idk… 10 or 20 similar infractions in the past, the escalation system can permanently ban me for calling someone stupid the 21st time. Unless I’m wrong and permanent bans are not on the table for the escalation system. But I don’t believe that I’m wrong about that.

I didn’t say that doing that is a good idea I said that an innocent person… or even a guilty person being accused of a crime, in any rational and moral society should AT LEAST have the chance to defend themselves.

I understand how the current system works. I’m saying that there should be mercy and there should be empathetic humans trying to do right by other people rather than draconian laws enforced by bots and tired minimum wage employees.

These two things are not mutually linked. Me saying something that doesn’t violate the rules but angers a bunch of people can result in multiple immature people reporting me. That’s essentially just mob rule.

Not what I’m suggesting. I’m suggesting that the GM’s be made to listen to the words of those they are about to punish.

I’ve never done or said anything remotely racist in my life. It is quite hysterical of you to assume that because I think that me calling someone stupid means that I can get permabanned, something that I have clearly not done because I am not permabanned doesn’t make me a racist. And you jumping the gun and not only assuming I’m a racist but demanding that I be treated as a racist is highly irrational.

It’s clear that I am not talking to a rational person as you try to present yourself to be.

Neither. All Blizzard staff work in either the Irvine or the Austin office. Everything is done in-house, nothing is outsourced.

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Yes you have. You may not have been around when that was a thing but I was and it factually was that way.

It’s extremely relevant because Blizzard doesn’t have time to sit back and read paragraphs of texts between multiple players and likely never do so. A person who is being targeted by people abusing the report system deserves to be able to provide context.

Why are you so angered by the idea that people should be able to use words to defend themselves from being wrongfully punished?

Good one! What else do you know Mr. Blizzard Insider?

I have no reason to believe you because I have in the past been given options to defend myself because that is what the system was designed to do. And even if the system wasn’t intentionally designed that way I was still able to appeal actions against my account and was able to successfully have them overturned because GM’s actually had empathy and a moral compass back then.

But you just acknowledged you were speeding. The why is irrelevant. You are either breaking the rules or you aren’t. Your excuses don’t factor in to the equation.

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Pop on over to the Customer Support forum and ask. The Blues there will be happy to confirm everything I’ve said here.


so tell us.

what was it that you did or said, that you were actioned for?

Have you not been keeping up with current events? Blizzard is not a democracy, they are a dictatorship, it’s their way or the highway. You, sir, have a problem with running your mouth. Improvement always starts at home.


no it shouldnt, the mercy comes in the form where you dont get perma ban unless you keep breaking the rules or you broke the rules in a outrageous manner, being silenced or suspend for a day is mercy.

you wont get punished if you didnt break the rule tho.

you are literally asking for mercy, thats what mercy is.

I don’t agree with everything they do but these are welcome changes. people, myself included, have been asking for this for years

we both know that they won’t do that.

they just want to loudly proclaim their innocence.

they don’t want a blue to tell everyone what they did :stuck_out_tongue:

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Can someone ask this person if they… after assuming incorrectly that I’m a racist, and assuming incorrectly that I got banned for being called a racist, let alone a person who would use horrible language such as the N word, and then blocked me? They keep going on with their accusing me of being a racist and refusing to read the part where I tell them that they’re mistaken.

I haven’t even been actioned for anything at this time. And the times my account was suspended in the past absolutely had nothing to do with racism of any sort.

You people are turning into a hysterical mob on a witch hunt. And it seems to be all retail players that are the most likely to jump to calling me a racist and deciding to treat me as such. Glad I don’t play that wretched game anymore if this is the type of people I would be dealing with

Their logs provide context. If you are reported for a chat violation, they aren’t just looking at the reported text. They are looking at the conversation before and after, as well.

I’m not angry at all, and I’m not sure how you came to the conclusion that I am. I’m laying out facts. You can believe them or not, it doesn’t bother me either way. What I do finding interesting is that the only people that ever complain about this sort of thing are the people too dense to understand that they’re breaking the rules.