I understand that there was a nerf applied to the amount of XP our pet gets from a battle in BFA since the Family Battler pet battles are available to be repeated and done more often now, but I believe what happened to me is a genuine error.
That is, unless it is intended to be only worth about 99 xp to include a level 24 battle pet on your team against Korval Darkbeard in Nazmir while trying to level it to 25?
This battle was not a “carry” - put it in and pull it out leaving the next pet to take an extra hit - nor was it a every pet dies and the level pet saw no action at all and was just the “last man standing”. The pet contributed and did its job.
But after plus 10% for the Safari hat and plus 25% for the pet treat, my pet received 134 XP. I am old and haven’t done fraction-equation-type problems in a VERY long time but I believe that puts it at about 99 XP per battle.
I read on the Forums that the intention of the nerf was to allow us to get Family Battler faster because we would have multiple battles available more often. I believe we used to get between 2 to 3k per battle without perks or bonuses. But if now it takes 20 battles to get 2000 XP, then maybe that blue post on the Forums meant to explain that Blizzard didn’t want it to be too easy to get that achievement so you made it harder?
If that is what you intended, I think all of us would appreciate it if you would just say so; tell us the truth, or re-think all the facts about what you are saying.
I am writing a post to ask if this is a Bug or if this is actually what you intended. If it is a bug, I have a screenshot if you would like proof of the amount of xp and the buffs on at the time of the battle.
I would also like to point out to my fellow players that if this was intended then players might consider that you get as much or more xp (depending on the zone) doing easier battles in older zones. You can let an alt character do the battles to get xp for both the pet and the lower level player, faster.
PS- I experienced this problem on my level 120 character on Sargeras and was logged in to that character when I started writing this. I have NO CLUE how I ended up on a lower alt by the time I clicked on Submit.