Repopulate SMC

Is there anything I can do to repopulate SMC on Wyrmrest? It used to be the place to go to chill and unwind from irl after a hard days work. Or a relaxing place to hang-out and socialize after grinding out keys or weeklys. Now, with my beloved city being mostly empty, I find no respite in this game. Maybe, together, we can make Silvermoon great again!

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Start squirting out babies?

make Silvermoon great again!

Before or after the indictments and mugshots?


There are several discords and events listed on this forum in recent posts that aim to do this. I suggest looking at those and getting involved and then moving away from evoking right wing racist dog whistle phrases that may paint you as a bad faith troll.


I am proficient in not responding to feeble minded people who feed off negative reactions.
I have tried, off and on, since it died to bring activity back to this city. I have joined groups and discords too but the most people I’ve seen there at any given time is 3 (me being one of them).


Serious note: i do see Silvermoon threads on several discords where people RP. Maybe use that somehow? Read what’s happening and then find what might be able to expand upon in actual Silvermoon.

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If you’re actually serious about this, the Wyrmrest Community Discord is the best place to try and find friends and companions for this task.

Please do not try to be the sole guiding light in this endeavor, it generally ends poorly with you either burning out or unable to let go because everybody else has become accustomed to you being the only person keeping the situation active. We’ve lost too many good people who thought they could undo the harm that Brawlin’ for Azerite and Shadowblands did to the communities of Wyrmrest and vastly underestimated the damage and apathy both expansions left in their wake.


It starts with 3 people, but if folks are fun and consistent, it could grow!

Just last night, there was an inaugural Wayfarer’s Rest Inn event. Over the course of the two hours, a staff of two and a bard served and entertained 5 customers. It was honestly the most crowded I’ve seen the Rest in years.


Welcome to the Wyrmrest Accord forums!
Please tell us about your RP character.

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Those are the times that I long for. Doesn’t even have to be RP, or even an event. I long for the casual social interaction in a beautiful city. I mean who disagrees that Silvermoon City is more beautiful than Orgrimmar

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I have ambushed many Blood Elves by leaving a tea set out and waiting for them to show up. That’s how we’ll get them.

I’m not much for RP on a Blood Elf, as I am fairly uninformed on their story beyond superficiality.

That said, I’m more than happy to provide background noise and play the part of Extra #6, if anyone is looking for people to just show up and hang around.

I have good news for you.

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Personally I find Orgimmar to be far better and more aesthetically pleasing visually as a city. Open sight lines, good rough and tumble aesthetics and no giant single color walls or empty avenues and plazas that make a emptiness problem already worse. Orgrimmar also has flying which allows for better use of the 3D space instead of just a constant reminder of what you can’t do in those towering, monolithic blank walls.

Heck, Thunder Bluff is a better city than Silvermoon because it visually doesn’t feel dead or is a pain to get to and move around in. And also has pretty scenery to look at around it as opposed to, once again, enormous empty white walls with violently contrasting streets.

Silvermoon would benefit from a intense remodel that makes it more like Dalaran. And also give the Forsaken Gilneas City or a new city that has the sheer aesthetic appeal of Boralus.


I hung out in Silvermoon quite a bit back in the day.

Unfortunately, the guards attack me on sight now-a-days.

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Your Camouflage gives you a fancy spell effect, but it can’t help you RP with Blood Elves in their own city.

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The trick was to go around behind Silvermoon and get up on top of the city and “inside the walls” then use Eyes of the Beast to confuse flagged players.

I saw Corvin’s screenshots in a discord about that.

It was a good time!

My Only issue with SMC these days is that it looks like a 2000’s Mcdonalds with 2D graphics. I really wish they would update the city instead of saying they are going to SMH. That being said, I do wish there was more of a population, then again, I just don’t know anyone anymore that RP’s. From what I can tell since being back, is that everyone just uses TRP3 as a glorified twitter bio now.

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