Replayability. What it will take to bring us back

i have yet to personally interact with someone that openly believes that gear being tied to rating is good for the game or gives them a sense of prestige

cosmetics should be the only prestige


There’s a few forum feeds around saying that High Rating should = High gear.

TBH I love the fact people can do rated and can push and can earn titles, prestige. Feats of strength. But not at the expense of my playability.

In the past of WoW, people got those things because they were good. Not boosting or carried. They had to rip and tear through a sea of people all about the same gear in all brackets. They had no handicap.

I support players going above and beyond and actually champion it. It’s not for me. But nowadays it seems like it’s been hand in hand with spitting on anyone who doesn’t have the time nor desire to push and we get invalidated for wanting free gear.

When I just want the gear to be passively earned through participation and replayability.

Ya I can think of a few people offhand on the forums, though I think Trash mostly means in their daily/personal interactions in game. Could be wrong but that’s how I took it.

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oh ya
anecdotal of course but from my perspective from my interactions with players that get 2400 week 1 or 2 of the season and aren’t ever behind on the gear curve, none of them feel like gear being locked to rating is a prestige they think about or that they think is good for the game

maybe there’s a small niche community of players caught between the elite set and the 2400 gladiator mount that feel like gear progression is the only thing in the game that they really earn or that they’re proud of i guess
but overall gear being tied to rating from my pov is really bad for the game as a whole


Ya hard agree with this. It’s just a shame there’s people who can’t grasp that. I dunno, I just think cosmetics and titles should be the main draw and prestige tbh.

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I agree. To be fair WoD was my favorite gearing because we had alot of choices of stat combinations, the catchup mechanic was fantastic. I had never made so many alts and so many arena geared toons (or some odd mix of bg/arena gear). Then Ashran gave a potential for horizontal progression.

Blizz had gotten so much business from me and my pvp circle, just because we could pvp all day with super geared players everyhwere and when we won, it felt like a REAL VICTORY. Not undergeared toons hiding on their graveyards because it’s absolute trash to fight players who can put out 2-3x your damage or heals.

Either spectrum: A god Healer tanking an entire team of undergears or a wrecking ball DPS that just deletes all the lowbies and alts.

Burnout, sub drop. Bad reputation.

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its fine for there to be a gear disparity, but from 197 - 226 thats pretty big for it.

but the gear disparity this xpac is huge in general, never should have gone past 210-215.

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I’m a purist with a ‘settle the playing field even’ card but I can say I would resub if there was a compromise for a system like BC-> Wrath where Rated Weapons required rating whiche quated to about 5% gear.

If they do have to have some sort of compromise.

Its just sad that blizzard wont see this, since they dont care about their community nor look at forums.

Azerite gear 8.2+ was so fun to play with, I would level up characters just to see what azerite they had and play around with it, getting enough gear to pvp would be just from doing the cloak quest and then with pvp scaling you could actually pvp on alts, its really sad how blizzard managed to make a game millions of times worse than bfa, and yes bfa was trash but playable.

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wow what is wrong with you

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I think it falls under the idea of replayability and I guess new game which I am all for. BfA had it but with extra steps.

People like to do horizontal progression and experiment. It’s like Blizz has gotten so obsessed with lootboxes they forgot how much playtime people put into finding the right fit

But then lootboxes came in Legion, and we lost all the control we had. We could gear our toons for the game modes we wanted. I stacked 42% versatility in WoD just for duels and wpvp. It was fun, I couldn’t push rating. BUT at the end of season I could purchase all my gear for honor and then compete. We had choice, and control.

Putting gear item level behind rating is a mistake

Im putting all my faith in tommorows blizzcon, if they dont say anything we want to hear wow is pretty much dead.

I actually had no idea it was tomorrow. Unfortunately I’ll have to miss it but I look forward to what’s being said.

The base game is strides ahead of how it’s been, they just need to tune and get rid of the elements that are making players leave by the tens of thousands.

Oribos dungeon and torghast raid. Thats is all.

bold of you to assume your experience is universal

that goes for the handful of “its not me it’s the other players” vocal posters that have been whining non stop about low cr 2’s the last few weeks

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You’re speaking the truth. Me and my friend are playing around 600 rating on our 150 ilv characters but 1500 on our 210 ilv characters so it is literally 900 rating difference just from the item level.

There is hope for PVP gearing in 9.1.

Maybe see if this pans out and take a break until then.

Man I work 6 nights a week and can’t play in the evening on 5 of those days, so my only playtime is 5:30 am for an hour or so each day if that. It’s not possible to Q at that time because it’s just AUS players and it cranks my MS to like 350 lol. But I don’t want to arena with any disadvantage like gear, so I find myself spending like all my playtime just grinding honor and conquest and box for the week through random AUS rbgs at 5:30 am and might find a good hour or two of Qs on the weekend. It’s mostly my fault because of my scheduling but it does sort of suck having just enough time to keep a character or two barely up to speed.