I’ve really enjoyed the base game so far but what has made me leave is that I could not keep up with WoW any longer.
I work beyond fulltime in a Covid Testing facility on the second shift (4PM to midnight) and I had struggled since the new year to push rating when I could to keep my gear remotely competitive or reasonable against other players for world content and BG’s.
I was not on at any times a serious RBG group could push rating after my arena rating continued to tank or go nowhere after finding a good group and then the group would leave after 2 match victories from the late hours.
I was invited to play on the RBG group for my step brother’s team but would have to give up half my saturday or more to get the wins needed for that 1600 rating sweetspot to have my gear be decent enough to battle any player, but I was unwilling to give up one of my 2 days off to do something I’ve never wanted to do in WoW (push rating). On top of the hours I struggled at 3 in the morning to form LFG groups.
I couldn’t keep up with WoW, anymore.
I have enjoyed the game all thru until Legion when vendors were scrapped and there became an infinite artifact power grind, some element CONSTANTLY demanding my attention and my playtime. Lootboxes. Azerite power. And now, rating requirements on all the gear (not just weapons as in BC/Wrath).
I do not want to pay to log in and add stress to my life. For the years following BC, and into WOD, WoW had made rating pushing optional, the gear gap between rated and unrated play was never so high.
I had much more leisure time, to pursue World PvP, and Casual PvP. And Wintergrasp, and Tol Barad and Isle of Conquest.
What makes PvP fun? Why did I not turn to PvE? Until Legion, PvP demanded much less time than running through a raid. I could cap conquest in a few hours.
Enemy players think, and react, and I didn’t sit through the drowl of a scripted fight relying on others for my progression or ability. I was good on my own. I had many adventures I still remember today. But I find myself unable to make anymore adventures.
War Mode is dominated by FOTM and stealthies that simply erase you. Massive gear discrepancies pit me at a tipped disadvantage I cannot overcome vs. people privelaged. That’s right, privelaged, to be able to push the rating and have this massive cushion to make mistakes.
WoW has become work. I already work. I long and pine and still think about if this longstanding game could go back to focusing on replayability instead of punishing us for rerolling alts ot find the right fit. Hours, and hours, of story catchup. Gear catchup. 7 tiers of gear, causing massive discrepancies in gear. Extremely punishing rating ladder.
Seeing people in casual BG on enemy team just give up as their 24k hp healers just don’t want to fight against bladestorming warrs with 38k health. There is no competition, there is no spirit of play. There is just carrot on a stick geargrind. The challenge of pvp was trying to be better. Equal play, warrants increased competitiveness.
I’ve read countless posts and forums of people just giving up, trying to be on some form of equal footing to enjoy all of the game modes. I’ve never once tried to push rating in over a decade of WoW, it wasn’t fun. I didn’t get my highs from griefing or pushing people down. In the history of WoW, we all got even geared by participating in PvP because it was fun. But those days are gone now, and the game has such a great base mechanics for clases that just require tuning.
But I’m sorry, I couldn’t keep up, and its hurting the game and its hurting WoW’s rep.
Please care about your players. Please stop supporting the minority of players who need prestige to feel important and bring others down, then claim ‘this game isn’t for u’.
PvP success on other games is about Replayability, playing the same maps thousands of times BECAUSE each match is completely different from the first. It’s fun. But the joy is sapped, when I have to struggle for hours on LFG and losing matches and accepting that I’ll not ever get to where I need to be from my schedule. Please Blizzard, care for your players. Let us enjoy the game as it was for years instead of trying to force and compell us for playtime that is making players leave by the tens of thousands and dropping your revenue and our faith.
I’m keeping up with updates, but I cannot play for now. I have hope for the future of the game will let us come and go and enjoy and not punish us for the life we have to live outside of Azeroth.