Repair costs are too high

I often find myself with 400g+ repairs by the end of dungeon and im running out of money. Why are repairs so high and why do i only get like 20g at the end of a m+? That covers a fraction of the total repair. At this rate im going to either start selling the loot at end of dungeon or run the dungeon with broken gear until i can save enough for repairs. Please lower the repair cost significantly or give us a lot more gold from the chest


probably help if your m+ group stopped wiping every pull.


Read this and realized it’s Sunday.


Im as lazy as they come, but pick up a gathering profession. Spend an hour or so just flying and gathering. It is not hard to get gold.

Oh I see another mythic+ only character ,you don’t do world content do you?


Dragon Races x7 twice a week is about 7200g, takes all of 20 min twice a week.
Field of Ferocity WQ in plains, 1878g, again twice a week
plus all the other 600+ gold WQ that take literally no more than 5 min

I have only 4 lvl 70 alts that only do the races and field, nets me about 100k a week for about 2 hours of play.

Yes I enjoy the play part.


Little-known fact: Repair costs are tied to item level. Better gear is more expensive to repair.

And while Blizzard has “squished” the item level of gear over the years, they’ve never squished the repair costs at the same time.


OP is dead.


Yeah, this and gathering between queues pays the bills. :dracthyr_love_animated:


I’m sorry it’s me. I RP as Rambo in m+ and spec into barrage and I don’t have the MD talent.


That right there will net over 250K gold per week but even if you skip the gathering you can run all the DR racing world quests for thousands of gold each week…

repairs are high to remove money from economy and the incentivize the guild-repair structure.


brooo thats cuz all youre doing is keys. if all you do is keys then ya youre gonna go broke. there’s plenty of stuff to do in game to compensate for repair bills…

i do this out of boredom sometimes

If you don’t die in keys, plus have garrison armory so you get buff that prevents gear dmg, it costs nothing.

This is why people leave keys too, wipefest = big repair bill in addition to big waste of time.

Because it’s a necessary small gold sink, just like all of the small gold sinks. It keeps the economy in check. Your repairs go by your gear level.

Go do dragon races and walk away with a boatload of gold.

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Agreed with OP it’s extremely punishing for new players.

The trading post could have been a good gold sink for veteran players with millions.

It’s not really tho. I have been double gathering on my main and im still working through the campaign. I have just broken 150k after about two months of hitting nodes hard. Maybe i have spent about 70k on stuff. The rest went to repairs or whatever.