Repair costs are too high

Nobody doing strictly M+ goes broke from repairs. Consumables will break them long before

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Well fine, but that means OP can only afford to run what, one dungeon every 3 weeks?

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well obviously people are going to die because Im the healer, like duh

20 minutes? It’ll probably take you more than 20 minutes just to fly to each race.

Y’all just grossly underestimate how much time you spend playing WoW/farming gold each week.


When I get the red armor icon, it costs me around 900 gold. And I only have super casual gear. (iLvL of 401.)

It does seem like repair costs are really excessive.

Damn, those are that lucrative? Is that per character?

I timed it, it takes about 2 min to fly to each race and less than a min to complete them.

Don’t use the transport system and fly your dragon and use the teleports.

Also you are turning in dragon shards of knowledge, the field of ferocity is right there

How is 400g wallet-breaking for you? :sob:

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Its not one time, its countless dungeons every day that add up

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Or you know, can just sit and fish rimefin tuna which is 100% drop per cast and goes for 40-80g per piece while drinking your morning coffee. It sells quickly. Easier to fish with the new ‘Interact key’ blizz implemented. Windowed mode + sound, watch something on the side, drink coffee, make gold. But yeah consumables + repairs drain the pocket.

Money should drain from the economy in systems that don’t effect newbies. I know if I wasn’t a 40 year wow veteran I would have definatly been scared off by now.

I think I have found the problem.

They have a mage healer


I was enjoying open world pvp but it cost way too much. Get ganked once or twice and bam!! 8oo gold or whatever.

Then you and/or your team is punching above and beyond your gear and skill level and need to go down and stay at lower key levels to master mechanics better.

Also gold is abundant. Buy shovels and loot dirt piles as you fly around doing gear and gold world quests and you’ll make plenty even before taking professions into account.

Yep that is per character if you run them though those races every week
you’d be surprised how easy it is to make gold without even trying.

Do some heroic dungeons. You’ll get 110 gold each one, and people rarely die in them. Plus, there’s a weekly cache with either a 415 item or an upgrade crest and a pile of gold. Do your weekly reputation quests for even more money. Do some world quests. Many of those give 600+ gold. If you’re running out of gold, that’s your fault.

Always knew mages were evil

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WoW token
 unless you are being paid literal poverty wages, an hour of your real life labor to load up on 250k+ gold is a lot smarter and more efficient than the dinguses who spend hours laboring in-game to get a fraction of that. Time is money. I buy a new token every week or so to cover repairs and consumables.

Me thinks we have a very lazy player that doesn’t want to do dailies or whatnot
I just did the boat with the Walrus dudes
and for 25 secs of floating on a boat I made 669 gold 3 silver
you can make anywhere from 515 too 550 a race and you don’t have to get gold time to get that gold bronze time gives it too you too
7 races 
that is about 3,600 or so of gold per toon.

you have to pay for being a floor gamer.