Rep Grinds

Back in MoP, people did rep for gear, for profession patterns, and for mounts.

Back in BC, people did rep for gear, for professions patterns, and for mounts.

In BfA, people do rep for gear (aka your neck), for profession patterns, and for mounts.

I actually don’t see any more or less need for rep than there used to be other than flying got added to that list as well as allied races. You only need revered for flying so that is a non issue and allied races are optional.

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Yeah, I totally agree. Blizz calls it player engagement as in you’re “engaged” grinding for rep and, in doing so, not complaining about the lack of content.

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You mean the neck, that is a mandatoy item that you must level? Yeah, that is forced. Allied races and flying, both things that used to come with the game (and maybe cost some gold) are now only obtainable through rep. The point was that before you could be a heroic raider and NOT farm any rep, now that is not the case. That is what I call forced rep grinding, what would you call it?

You don’t need to grind rep though just play the game. The rep end of that neck is easy to get since you need azerite to level it anyway and azerite world quests reward you with the rep.

I seriously can’t see how anyone if they have played more than a month this expansion would be complaining about this.

a major race of the game is not what I call “optional”

Optional is wanting to raid or do dungeons. Races are basic blocks of the game

EDIT: Imagine if in vanilla you had to level to 60 to be able to play a night elf…same thing

lol, I am not making any allied race and can play the game just fine. That is what optional is, you can still play fine without it.

Hey you don t even need to do quests you can just stay in Stormwind and dance all day. Quests are optional /s

I don’t see how rep has changed, other than the methods of acquiring it.

There is nothing compelling you to do the rep.

I know, you are going to say they are compelling you because it is required for the pathfinder, but being able to fly is just another reward for rep at this point. Like the patrerns, mounts, etc of previous expansions.

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Literally none of the BfA reps are grindable so I don’t know what you’re on about.

If they have to move out of a city hub, it’s grinding.


They are but you narrow your game down a lot, whereas, you aren’t cutting yourself from any content if you don’t make a Kul Tiran.

But, hey, if you want to think of Kul Tirans as mandatory why wouldn’t you have one already.

Did you buy that account ? I just looked at your armory and you have Insane title - what the heck is someone with that title doing complaining about rep.

Flying used to be included for a gold charge, now it is gated behind rep. Races used to be included in an expansion, now they are gated behind rep. That along with the mounts which were always there, and some lame patterns for mostly useless professions. Stop pretending like nothing changed, it all changed, and the rep itself, you are correct, is no longer grindable, now it’s gated, to keep you doing it longer…

The way I see it…you had to play the game to get gold. Now you have to play the game to get rep and do quests. I don’t see a marked change there. In both instances you play the game and flight comes along eventually. When flying was introduced in TBC, not everybody got it immediately upon hitting 70.

I’ve got Part 1 done and I’m playing less now than I ever played in my life so I’m not sure I agree with that.

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Pretty much this. I have played probably less than half the expansion so far. At the beginning of the expansion I made sure I went ahead and knocked out BfA Pathfinder Part 1. Since then though, like I said I am probably not playing as much as I am playing. If they are trying to force me to play more, they dropped the ball, lol.

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I can’t say I played since Vanilla, but I’ve played since BC with the exception of a break in WoD and Legion.

That said… You’re wrong. For any end-game player, it is far less necessary to rep grind than it used to be.

In Vanilla, you needed to rep grind to access raids and raid bosses.

In BC, you had to complete rep grinds to even be able to access the dungeons that would let you attune for raids.

In WoTLK-Cata, you needed to grind to exalted to get access to BiS shoulder enchants on all characters.

In MoP, without grinding rep, you couldn’t buy valor gear.

Now, I don’t know about WoD and Legion, but there’s nothing an end-game player requires in BFA that necessitates a rep grind. The only rewards are allied races, utilities, and money-savers.

In short, they removed all the actual necessities of rep grinding and replaced them with fun things and conveniences.

ive maintained a sub since fall 2007. I’ve had it. I’m leaving after this 6 month subscription runs out for 2 reasons.

  1. My sub apparently is worth less than WoWs toilet paper.
  2. Rep grind.

Fook you dude. Get another business model or quit being such pricks to your players.

You always needed rep to progress content

No you didn’t. Stop making up crap.

Rep for heroic keys, rep for shoulder enchants in cata, rep for JC patterns for meta sockets in helmets in wrath etc,. rep for key enchants. Did you just start playing in WoD or something cause you seem to know nothing about this game but sure have a big mouth.

No, they were worse. Ever do timbermaw rep at 60?

The MoP style commendations would be a great idea. I don’t know why they got rid of them.

This. I had exalted on all factions within 6 weeks of launch just by doing world quests that gave azerite.

You know how we got the gold in BC? Dailies. Or as we call them now: world quests.