Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

i am officially hype for this, now if you can do something like this for the Legendary capes of Pandaria i would go hype overload and i would be totally ok with it.

Yeah im curious about that
might be because this expack has been the most anti-alt expac so far so they wont force people to make lots of alts and gear them when its kinda been impossible so far.

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i think the basic cat ones are really well done personally
the all black one with the purple glow, looks amazing!

but i agree, the pridemother set looks as cool as the sparkle kittens imo

Good call not bringing back the old stuff and introducing new stuff. I’ll probably reinstall to try this out!

On the other hand, can some of us other classes look forward to getting anything cool and new? Druids are getting new travel forms, new werebear form(on top of their xmog set), and could mount in the maw in 9.0 and always get cool new stuff. Same with hunters and their pets. I think that is really cool.

I just wish there was something cool us other classes could get every now and then that’s unique to us. How about letting locks unlock the ability to tame new demons for cooler skins. Different color DK eyes (Blood, Unholy, Frost, Dark Iron Bolvar Eyes), New chargers for pallies that have more than 6 pixels. Just some food for thought. Something for all the other classes. :smile:

There are over 100 different MT weapon appearances that are now gone. ALL of them are completely unique - there is “simply nothing else like [them] in the game”. So how come you’re applying this logic to guardian druids but no one else? It’s ridiculous.


Yes, like the big Shaman totem shoulder? Except it’s not there, it’s an nerfed version of the original challenge set.

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Corporations like money. Gottem. You figured them out. Dispelled the illusion. Cracked the code.

Yes, it would.

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Why do you care so much if others have it? Are you that butthurt that someone else can look at pixels on their screen that you also get to?


Why do you care so much about it if it’s just pixels?


Since you want to talk about challenging things. Let’s talk about how you can still get mythic appearances you can go back and farm ones that you missed. I’m super duper impressed by the lfr raiding btw. Your 20s are also nice I mean until you look at the fact that every single one was done with a tank who did higher runs of the same dungeon with another healer.

Like seriously you want to talk about skill based achievement appearances let’s talk about the fact you can go back and farm any mythic gear usually solo. Heck one of my favorite mogs is the offset pally mythic gear from throne which I use on my dk because it’s funny.

Or how about titles like you can still go back and kill LK for that title.


I have it. I’m just not a POS that doesn’t think others should have it too.

Any reason why you aren’t answering why you care so much?

Don’t forget about my question about you not complaining about people getting old raid transmogs and old PVP season sets
 You seem to skip over the stuff that’s showing your hypocrisy.


Let me know how the quarterly meeting is

Sure is a lot of “lmao why do you care so much about pixels in a video game?” by people that seem awfully concerned about obtaining pixels in a video game.


Dude some people are just sad literally made me put on a clown suit to refute the idiotic claim of you just jealous and now they have changed to saying but you didn’t do this specific one which isn’t even the mage tower one lols


sorry i hurt your feelings lol and sorry you were wrong about cars and you won’t get challenge mode stuff
i understand you’re upset but you don’t’ have to pull the mythic+ elitist stuff here, it’s not what we’re discussing lol

and thanks for the compliments, i’m good at the game :slight_smile:

(I didn’t check your armory, i’m guessing you’re ranked lower than i am)


Looks awesome.

Now we just need some Fel forms for Feral and Moonkin!!

A Fel Saberon would be wicked!

I fricking wish man.

They can’t keep the goal posts in one place
 As soon as someone shows how hypocritical they are, they come up with a new excuse.


nailed ot :point_up_2:t3:

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