Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

Very well handled. Kudos.

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If the mage tower is going to be reintroduced as a difficult challenge, there’s no reason to lock people out of the same accomplishment that is the old rewards. The difficulty of those old rewards was previously imbalanced to begin with and lost its difficulty as you obtained more gear in 7.3.

The “would diminish those players’ accomplishments” arguments just reads as a thinly veiled excuse to continue to force people into constantly subbing for fear of missing out on old content forever. If players really need to have something exclusive and special to lord over for years old content, just give them a feat of strength, as that’s what they’re there for.

If anything having a mount reward that requires seven different cap characters to get through mage tower to receive it screams “keep the players subbed” even more, as many people have been avoiding leveling or gearing alts because doing so is so tedious and unrewarding in current content. And yes timewalking doesn’t require gear but that doesn’t change the renown/conduit grind that will undoubtedly make a difference in the ease of this content unless they’re both disabled, which I sincerely doubt will actually happen.

And yes I did earn multiple mage tower appearances, no I don’t think anything is diminished from introducing those to new players that might not have been around.

Finally, locking these because some players would complain about it is by far the flimsiest argument I’ve ever seen considering that many people were complaining about elves being given brown/black skin at the beginning of this expansion. Adhering to vocal minorities (and they are a minority, given the disparity of likes on comments in this forum post,) isn’t good for the health of this game.

(Couple of edits due to a few typos don’t mind me)


will legion legendaries work during timewalking or do they stay disabled like they currently are?

I am saying by the end of the mage tower it was easy for almost everyone. The people who don’t want others to have the skins now are the ones who got it in week 1-2, and claim it was super hard.

It was then, but not by the end. It was drastically easier.


That would be awesome! But no, I doubt it. I’m sure new MT will be up every time Legion TW is up.

Hold on why did you skip past what he said lmao. If the mage tower was discontinued before Antorus you’d have a point. But it didn’t. The challenge was mostly trivialized by antorus gear.

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Stop lying. Everyone who wanted the MT back has been PLENTY clear that we wanted to be able to work toward the weapon skins.

No, it would not be awesome. I do hope it stays. Limited time content is the worst.


You are a wise and knowledgeable Pandaren.

When I climb the mountain of enlightenment, I fully expect to see you up there in some kinda wise all knowin’ guru hut smokin’ ur peace pipe n ready to dole out da wisdom

Chentao for Prez.

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I’m literally wearing the wod sword I didn’t bother with it in mop because it just didn’t interest me at the time the wod stuff getting all weapons from the token for all characters actually got me to do it. Doesn’t mean I didn’t know plenty of the people who were selling them and 3 manning them by mid 2014. The expansion came out in 2012.

I always find it a little funny when someone who never beat a relevant challenge in game then comments on how easy/hard it was.

Yep I have no CEs no stuff that can’t be attained anymore not wearing any of it at all.

This genuinely makes very little sense, and I’ll explain why. You chose to not bring back any weapon recolors, which is fine, but then you bring out a recolor of what was the equivalent of a weapon transmog for Guardian Druid. How is this fair for any other spec? They have a druid recolor set just like every other class. And for the sake of people that are going to argue “oh you can’t see the druid set recolor while in bear form”, please tell me, where is the feral form? because the same thing applies.


@birds i was referring to the challenge mode from MoP lol

i didn’t do magetower so i’m not sure how easy/hard it was, that’s why i don’t comment on the difficulty of it

yeah you def didn’t do challenge modes in MoP
lol grats on the sword though, i’m reallly really impressed :+1: :revolving_hearts:

i wish i got the staff :frowning:

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I’ve been playing as a resto druid for over a decade, and I’m absolutely gutted by this.

The Timewalking Mage Tower Challenges may be the same as those that players experienced in Legion, but the rewards will be different. When the Mage Tower closed at the end of Legion, it was firmly established that those rewards would become unavailable. Many players pushed themselves to collect all the appearances they could before the tower closed. Reintroducing those same appearances now would diminish those players’ accomplishment, so success in a Mage Tower challenge will now award a Legion-themed armor set for your class.

It was also “firmly established” that we couldn’t use the appearances without the artifact weapon equipped AND without being in feral spec. I can’t believe we’re even entertaining this preposterous notion that players were making an informed choice at the time. I decided not to do the feral mage tower because I didn’t play feral, and there was no way for me to use the appearances otherwise. It wasn’t until YEARS LATER, at the end of the BFA in the Shadowlands pre-patch, that they introduced the ability to transmog each form appearance regardless of spec. For them to say ‘oh well you knew you were giving up this awesome transmog’ is so absurd as to border on insulting.

During Legion, the Mage Tower awarded most specs a new weapon appearance, yet players who missed earning those still have countless other admirable weapon transmogs to collect across the whole of the game. But for Guardian druids, the Mage Tower prize was an alternate bear form with a unique silhouette and animations. There is simply nothing else like it in the game. For years, we’ve heard feedback from druid players who are frustrated that something so transformative is no longer available, and we agree.

But not the feral forms? What?

The extra knife twist, for me personally anyway, is that I farmed the toy to use the “flamekitty” form FOR OVER A YEAR before it dropped. I finally got it in BFA. Then, in the SL pre-patch, they changed it so that anyone who looted the staff could use it.


Many players pushed themselves to collect all the appearances they could before the tower closed.


And as for this

Reintroducing those same appearances now would diminish those players’ accomplishment



you are the reason this game has gone to the SH1thole
 hey you might wanna clean your nose you have some brown under it.


Create content first then create a reward.

Hope you remember this fundamental game design philosophy for the future.

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Complete the Legion storyline. You’ll get an alternate versions of them.

I feel like that argument is largely irrelevant. Because whether or not a person found it easy, hard or somewhere in between, it was marketed as a reward for a time-limited achievement obtained during that expansion. I know some people cheesed it - some people used exploits, some people were in mythic raid gear. There were others in casual gear (like me) and others that leveled all their toons to get all appearances, they put in all that time and for that they earned something truly unique. Good for them.

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ghost of the pridemother is also unique. The current feral skins are all garbage except for these ones. Everyone knows it.

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Don’t forget this is Just a way for Blizzard to get those quarterly/end of year awards for MAUs.


I don’t seem to see you making threads about people going back and obtaining transmog gear from old raids, or using marks of honor to buy complete old PVP season sets. Why not?

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That’s also not true, the nightmare skins are also nice. Again, you tend to think your opinion equals fact, it doesn’t and it never will.

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