Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

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  1. Will legacy tier sets work? (I assume no)
  2. Will the HoA essences, Azerite traits and/or SL legendaries work?
  3. Conversely, would Legiondaries work? (I assume no)
  4. Will Legion-era trinkets and special items (chrono shard trinket, auto attack ring) scale down as they do in TW dungeons?
  5. Will consumables work in ‘An Impossible Foe’? Speaking of Sylvan Elixir and Lightblood Elixir specifically
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Anything may seem that way when you decide to ignore and omit parts of what is being said.

I’m hoping I don’t need to do this all again. I already did 6 out of the 7 needed so I’m hoping this will count towards the mount.

Also caterpillar gang!!!

You are incorrect as usual. The reason they have issues is because they are finely tuned to go insanely fast this is like saying F1 cars aren’t well designed because they have issues

Limited time things don’t reflect skill in this case if they had taken the tower out at the end of the tomb that would be one thing but throne gear made it a complete walkover.

It’s a lot like getting mop challenge modes in april of 2014 when routes had already been worked on for 2 years and people were to the point of being able to 3 man golds. Just not reflective of skill in the slightest.


Right, it’s strange for them to mention the werebear as unique without acknowledging flails. Perhaps they wanted to know if people actually cared about them (as well as other unique models) before investing the time into them? Hard to say.

I like this compromise. If you want something limited that is going to be removed, play the game at the time things are available. It’s really that simple. I don’t have Benediction, I don’t have any of the limited pvp sets, black proto, etc. etc. I didn’t play then. Yeah it sucks I didn’t get it, but I did earn plenty of other limited items. It makes me happy of what I did earn, and I look forward to collecting the next new thing.

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I really like your transmog.

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Is there any chance for druids to gain another cat form as well? waving is too boring nowadays: '(

I’ll check for you - to address the sour grapes gnome - you got A Challenging Appearance (the achievement that unlocked the appearance) on April 5, 2017 - patch 7.2 which released the Tower was March 28, 2017.

So you did good! :heart:

Edit, it’s under achievements, legacy, expansion features. A Challenging Appearance is what you’re looking for.

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I just went season by season grabbing stuff I also didn’t have enough slots just grabbed the two weapons tossed on the cm wep and artifact wep then tossed on the pvp slots I also forgot to toss on the 50 attempt cloak from togc or any of the 2100 cloaks

Quote the entire thing, and the same applies. If you need the entire thing quoted to contextualize an argument, that seems like a you problem.

Since guardian druids are getting the werebear form.

Feral druids should be getting the werecat for from wod. It would be a great way to re-use something you guys did and was amazing at the time.


Huge, huge, huge disagree
 Really disappointed. Especially as you apparently recognize that the models are unique and apparently that’s important for druids, but all the unique models for other classes don’t deserve even recolors? Good grief, Blizzard

I guess the big question now is: are you going to be stupid yet again and remove these rewards when TW is done?


I never said you didn’t get it. I said that it wasn’t that hard after the first 2-3 weeks. Based on someone else below you got it week 2, so you did it when it was extra hard, great!

By the end of the mage tower, it was SUPER easy to get any of these skins/appearances. So people complaining about how hard it was, are lying. It wasn’t hard unless you did it in the first 2-3 weeks.

ugh i want to debate the vehicle thing a little more but i think we’re derailing a bit.

Well one way to look at it - MoP had a much higher population than Legion. Look at the amount of players that were able to obtain challenge mode rewards relative to the game population. it’s quite low - it’s because for the time - it was a challenging thing to do. You couldn’t pug it, so part of the challenge was finding a capable team to do them. The whole mythic+ concept was also totally new back then, so it was not easy for most people.

lots of people tried to get them too - especially when it as announced they’d be limited time.

I always find it a little funny when someone who never beat a relevant challenge in game then comments on how easy/hard it was.

where’s your MoP and WoD challenge mode stuff? can you get on your main?

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This is the new “Wall of No” is it? :popcorn:

Please do something about challenge mode weapons and armor sets. I was so upset I wasn’t good enough at the game at the time they were available.
I literary stopped playing the game because I was not able to unlock the class set I wanted so much.
Meanwhile people did RMT to buy gold and get carried to have all their “exclusive” challenge mode sets. That was game over for me.

I can’t help but notice you are wearing a t3 naxx mog and you got the benediction achievement in 2016. Almost looks like you spent gold to buy an appearance you didn’t earn when it was current because you thought it looked cool.

It wasn’t hard maybe for you? It was hard for me. I got it several weeks later - and it was quite challenging for me. I don’t know if you think your blanket opinions constitute facts, but they don’t, in case you’re unclear on that.