Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

I mean making things prestige/exclusive is what makes them so popular. People that play for transmog would want them more. It makes perfect sense.

You got the logic backwards.


Let’s just say I don’t have the time or energy to invest in leveling all 12 classes to cap currently. Not in this expansion, at least.

That’s a silly statement. If murder laws were truly enforced you wouldn’t see people get released based on technicalities.

Silly, right?

Yeah, the moment they revealed that new appearance for the druids they had to have known that was going to opening a whole new bag of worms :grimacing:

Like, how can I not want a new appearance for eternal magus?

Oh boy…

Did you not read the part where I said “they hire teams of accountants/lawyers for loopholes”?

I’m willing to bet you didn’t get all your current transmog gear when it was currently relevant.

Just for you I put on this godawful hideous xmog which includes multiple elite sets the chosen gear the wod sword and the legion artifact appearance. Limited time things especially when they don’t actually reflect skill are dumb and detrimental to retaining players or attracting new ones.


Apples and oranges.

The more I read the OP, the more I believe Blizzard worded things specifically to foster feedback. There’s too much…how do I say it…“bait” for the post to be merely informational and not one where they wanted a consolidated community conversation.

Trying to be optimistic I guess, but the wording in the post is atypical IMO.


I wouldnt be surprised if other appearances were planned for the other weapons.

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People on here talking about being able to get them while clicking spells… you can’t possibly say they were that hard.

You’re a CE raider, I know people who don’t raid at all and were able to attain them easily.

i disagree, i think plenty of limited time things reflect skill lol

and thanks for getting dressed for me :revolving_hearts: i like the set

and no i’m not incorrect on the car thing. Lamborghini does not have the best engineering - it’s overpriced and inferior in that aspect compared to say Porsche or McLaren. You can’t drive one very often without them having issues. that’s horrible engineering, but they sure are fast, and cool looking. People also pay for cars literally just for the name. Italian vehicles are notorious for having electrical issues as well.

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I’ve been slumming it in all those mage tower threads and they’ve said that - they want the challenge of it - the fun of it - content - content - content - they said.

All subterfuge, all they want, all they care about, is chance at the original rewards.

I won’t get into how how they claimed it’s anti-consumer, akin to the suffrage movement, a breach of human rights, it’s killing the game, it’s forcing people to quit, we’re all mean-spirited, selfish, disgusting human beings for having it and not wanting others to have it. Yadda yadda yadda, heard it all.


I guess it’s one per class because in Shadowlands players usually don’t use other specs because of legendaries and conduits. (Covenants will be able to change btw). And if it’s really a timed content, it’s better to narrow down to classes then specs.

If you give druids special treatment giving them a new form, at least be fair to give all other specs a single tint of their weapons.

Weapon design has been so bad since after Legion, nothing since compares to the mage tower skins like the frost mage staff, demon hunter fire glaives, etc.

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? I could only get mop/wod challenge mode when they were relevant…I also sold dozens of carries for both of them.

You can check my achievements date for the mage tower skin, in feat of strength(i think). I got it the first weekend it was out.

So what are you going to bet mr gnome?

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Too lazy to read what must be hundreds of posts and many saying the same as this.

These are copies of sets that already exist.

I have little interest in what is likely going to amount to a very poorly tuned encounter for a different color set of non unique armor.
Are you ever going to figure it out?

That new druid form is pretty amazing.


Maybe some people yeah but I still want content like the mage tower. And yes, I would like to get 2 more appearances as well.

While I can’t help but notice there are no class specific elite mog pieces in your transmog, I must say it is very cute. I admire your accomplishments, and award you many points for donning such impressive and varied time sensitive goodies.