Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

you wont earn any new apperances only druids will

Your question also literally didnt make any sense either. The point is if the law came AFTER the original deal – then you cannot retroactively enforce that new law on the old deal.

However, it seems Blizzard did something similar with the 2020 anniversary mount so I am counting my point as disproven.

I had thought this would be like a forever event that we can work at over time, not a 2 week thing and then once every 4 months. This creates yet another HURRY UP AND GO task that will rival our normal chores we do every day/week. Seems like not a lot of thought was put into the time aspect of this.

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I can’t argue your point, what you’re saying makes sense - and I tend to agree with you on it. I think they should have recoloured all of the appearances honestly or just kept it to the T20. I think the recolouring of all would have led to less … of all this however.

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The warlock armor recolor is awesome. Really don’t think you are getting left in the dirt. Also the warlock challenging appearances were mediocre.

This is the most true statement on any topic in the WoW forums history.


Nah, they were a challenge for most of tomb of sargeras. I got the tanking one on week 1, then did the others later and they were still a challenge.

The nether crucible and Antorus gear was what made them faceroll.

You are not looking at things objectively in the slightest. There is no value to your account you don’t even own the rights to it blizzard does. A high end lambo is a valuable car because an insane amount of engineering has gone into it along with the best parts. They wouldn’t be available at the same price as a civic because it would be a massive loss for the company.

There is zero value to your account you just seem to be one of the sad individuals who only derives pleasure from having something others don’t.

The tax laws are enforced, there is just numerous amounts of loopholes in them and comporations hire accounting teams/lawyers to work around them.

Also, with the amount of blood in the water for Acti-Blizz; i wouldnt be surprised if they did.

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similarly to the Guardian Druid one, the correct middle ground solution is to release a NEW recolor.
just like Raid recolors are the reward mog rather than new items.

i disagree. you begging for those specific rewards from previous expansions because you weren’t able to get it done when they were relevant - reflects how valuable they are :slight_smile:

yes rare items in MMO’s are considered to be valuable, you just want us to apply your definition which i’m sorry to say, i don’t think anyone else shares.

also lol to thinking lambo’s value is up because of the “engineering” lol, it’s a rare italian sports car dude…that’s why i included “limited” because i was specifically referring to those models they only make a certain amount of annually :blue_car:

cars chosen for their engineering are way more expensive than lambos…but that’s a different discussion i guess :nerd_face: (and you’d probably want to go German in that case)


pretty disappointed that they didnt pull the ripcord for mage tower appearances


With this logic you should have let the whole community have the updated scarab lord mount when you updated it since it’s “Distinguishable” from the original.


Making appearance “Prestige” is the dumbest thing any game can do. Especially when so many people play for cosmetic reasons. Hence why you pushed to get 26-28 of them. But why would you be so oddly selfish about having an appearance and being so against other players being able to enjoy it as well? It’s great you got it, but oddly self-centered being against others doing so.


That’s what I am thinking. No need to chum the water… they are already getting (too) many bites.

That is why I am saying thank you. Because I think those appearances should be kept exclusive for those who did it back in Legion.


The mage tower was unlocked end of march tomb wasn’t available until june 20th. So not middle of nighthold but yes end of nighthold people were clearing it before tomb gear. It was tuned for tomb gear and thus became a joke in throne gear.

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If Tax laws were truly enforced you wouldn’t have giant corporations paying $0 in Tax. Amazon springs to mind.

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Reasonable compromise. I look forward to collecting those sets.


This right here sums up what most of the pro bring back mage tower people REALLY wanted. It was never about the tower itself (though they always tried to say otherwise).