Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

No it wasn’t. The mage tower was released in the middle of Nighthold. Check my achievement date.

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Without you actually providing a link to the law in question and instead just keep waving around the word “a law”, I’m having a hard time even following your argument outside of trying to use the scary presence of the word “law” as a way to silence the discussion and derail the thread.

Are we talking about two separate laws or one? I can’t tell, since the only time that law has been cited by Blizzard as a reason why they can’t return an item is due to an event that happened in 2014. That’s 2 years before the law you’re citing that apparently allows the Core Hound (also 2014, contradicting the bikes) but conveniently prohibits Mage Tower rewards and PvP Elite sets (2017, which were discussed and shot down, cited reason being player feedback).

Something doesn’t add up, and I’m not doing your homework for you. If there were legal reasons why they wouldn’t do this, I doubt they’d harp on about preserving player prestige anyway. It’d be much easier to avoid the headache and not comment or just point to the law anyway as they have in the past.

I don’t think it makes me good. I just like having the unique appearance. :woman_shrugging: I understand if you disagree or are angry, but adding recolored versions of the weapons is the best of both worlds.


I understand what you’re saying, value holds true to the owner, but i’m looking at things objectively.

When you over saturate something in the game, its value goes down.

Think of it this way, what makes a high end lambo a valuable car? Many of them are limited - and they’re rare vehicles. If you started to make them available to everyone at the same price as a honda civic, the objective value of the lambo goes down when they’re over saturated to common car status…

this same logic can be applied to things like mounts in the game. Invincible used to be a unique looking horse, but I think somewhere around 20% of the population own it now, so it feels like its just a common horse to regulars in the game that see it daily…

what they need to do imo, is continue to add new rewards for players to obtain. it’s been a few years since we’ve gotten anything - as they kinda stopped the tradition of unique challenge modes in BfA.

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nope, we all want them back


I hope they tune it so is close to the same level it was in tomb of sargeras. It would be glorious to see the forums when 90% of the people in here cant do them.


I’m going to need a citation of this Law being used against a gaming company.

Mage tower was out for a bit during the nighthold patch think it was end of march and tomb didn’t come out until june 20th. But yeah if they stopped it after tomb then you could have made the argument it was skill based. Ant gear made it an absolute walk over.

Broken Shore wasnt even available until 7.2.

Almost had me leveling all my alts up for this, was hesitantly excited to do this again for the specs I didn’t have leveled at the time(I think I got 10/36 before I had to take a break). Disappointed that I wont be able to unlock any of them except another (cool don’t get me wrong) bearskin. Something else that fell short of being amazing.


Honestly a disappointing that the old appearances remain unobtainable.

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Yeah, I’m not against the fel werebear. But I’m against Blizz reasoning as to not allow all classes to get recolors of those appearences. The werebear WAS the weapon appearence, unlocked the same way as the other classes. So if their stand on weapon appearences is that they should stay locked because they said it was a time limited reward, the werebear should be as well.

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for a limited time, you can be the proud owner of a 24 inch LCD TV. its so hot you dont even need a heater. call in the next FIVE minus and we will throw in the wireless remote for no extra charge.

BUT WAIT THERES MORE, for a limited time you can get a second remote! *just pay extra shipping and handling. But you got to act now before this exclusive offer is gone forever.

ah, exclusive deals, just a stop gap before true innovation obsoletes the deals. now you can pay half as much for a 55 inch 4k smart tv and the remote comes standard.

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So do laws just not exist if they arent specifically used for each different type of company? California is a weird state.

I’m just using it to reference your skill level since you claim getting these skins were hard. The point is they weren’t hard. They were only hard for the people trying to get them in the first 2-3 weeks, after that it was a joke.

this post is so tone deaf to the playerbase

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This reasoning is flawed. There is nothing else like any of the appearances; conversely, if there simply being other weapons is your reasoning, there are other bear skins too.

As someone who has the werebear and all of the other ones I wanted - if you’re going to do gymnastics like this to bring back this one, you should just bring back them all, because the same reasoning applies to all of them no matter how you contort to justify the single one.

Bringing back the original appearances with a change in look (like this fel bear) would be exact apples to apples actually. Really, this is just a remarkably easy line of reasoning to tear apart.


As someone who only got the Mage Tower Artifact Appearance for a Destruction Lock, I say, thank you.

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Laws, funnily enough, often aren’t enforced. Look at Tax laws for example. I promise you no-one is going to attempt to sue Blizzard over something so asinine.

Yeah I’m not sure why this decision was made. Recolors, even multiple recolors for a few flavors, would be really neat and I feel like many would be satisfied. Maybe they’ll see the feedback and add recolors for all.