Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

June 2014.

I think they should have either done a recolour of all, or none - I can see why they made an exception for the bear - it is the only 2 legged bear in the whole game and that feels punitive.

But it is what it is, and Iā€™m pretty happy about trying these challenges out again - I never did it on ranged or a healer so it should be interesting.

Guess thereā€™s a bunch of us ā€œsad sad individualsā€ who enjoy having exclusive prestigious items, just like you sad sad individuals who think you should get everything you want anytime you want.


things lose value when everyone else gets access to themā€¦

come on how do you not know that lol


They absolutely should along with wod appearances would be a great way to get people to actually do timewalking stuff instead of maybe doing 5 dungeons on alts.

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Calling people with a different opinion ā€œstupidā€ or ā€œlower IQā€ isnā€™t appropriate.

Iā€™m going to get dog piled on here but personally Iā€™m happy about this decision. Trophies are present in many walks of life, and you canā€™t reearn the same trophies. If people want to have something exclusive and itā€™s said to be exclusive due to a challenge, thatā€™s fine. As they said, they have thousands of other appearances.

The entire reason I put the work in was because it was exclusive. Same with the elite set. Otherwise there is no point in putting the effort in at the time.

THAT SAID recolors of all the weapons would be fine in my opinion. Like werebear. Some are saying werebear doesnā€™t feel druid like. I say toss in another. Or a few more. A werebear with vines wrapped around its arms for example. Thereā€™s tons of new ideas they can add. Would be cool to see more colors or added bells/whistles to sparkle kitty too.

But yeah more colors of the weapons, and maybe some new glows or effects, would be cool.

Personally I hope they continue to add new stuff to it. The sets are a big pass for me. But heck they could even add stuff to other non MT appearances too if thereā€™s something fancy they could do. Maybe even a whole MT currency system for a bunch of cosmetics they continue to add. Gods if only that was a thing for trial of style where new things were added regularly.

I think Iā€™d be fine with something like elite sets too if it was a token system, where youā€™d have to get to the rating and could get a token for an old set. One per season. That sounds fair enough. But this would need to apply to CMs too in some fashion.

The non-challenge exclusives like Deathwing mount though imo could come back yearly. Corehound too I would say. Those arenā€™t real challenges tbh.

Edit: Also I know Iā€™m going to get angry responses. I respect your different opinion and I have mine.


This is why new players donā€™t stay in this game. I started playing right before Shadowlands and all i see is gatekeeping from players and even the devs. That sucks.


Goodbye the value of limited time stuff.

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They donā€™t though? I still use the Jaina mount and everyone and their mom has it but itā€™s freaking awesome. Meanwhile the nzoth mount is far rarer and is absolutely not on my favorites because it looks dumb as heck. Again the only value tied to this game is what you consider important. If you are a sad sad sad sad person who only derives pleasure from having what others canā€™t get thatā€™s on you. I care about aesthetics period.

I am not saying it should be easy. I just do not see the point in taking things out in the first place. We are down a couple million players since Legion. Why are we worried about how special these people playing FF14 or some other game feel?

You already diminished my accomplishment by allowing people to get it after Nighthold. With Antorus gear and the nether crucible, all output checks were gone.

In the end, all these FOMO activities are nerfed so much they become nothing more than glorified participation awards.

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Thereā€™s nothing I can say here that hasnā€™t been said better by others, but hereā€™s another ā€œpeople that earned mage tower appearances want the mage tower appearances returned for everyone else to unlockā€ comment for your community feedback interns to shuffle across your desks. Every monk deserves the energy spikes.


Uhhhhā€¦Nighthold was 7.1. Mage Tower was 7.2


If these were meant to be trophies they should have been taken out after Tomb or gear should have been capped. By the end of the expac anyone who was playing and wanted them got them. Just seems like people who havenā€™t achieved anything else that was ā€œlimited timeā€ want to keep their one thing they think makes them good at the game.

By that reasoning, prot paladins and warriors should also get a recolor for their appearence as those are the only actual flails in game. While Iā€™ll agree it seems punitive to restrict the werebear, it would be only fair to also allow other classes to get recolors of their artifacts as well.


No it wouldnā€™t. The system encourages this mentality when the accomplishment should be tied to overcoming the challenge not when the challenge was overcome.

The old appearances should be accessible and made into evergreen challenges with new xpac-themed affixes added for every expansion tied to a new artifact appearance

Learn lessons from your competitors of aspects of their games that are being celebrated instead of promoting a 20 year development philosophy that contributes to toxic playerbase dynamics


I agree with this 100% I have some of the appearances yes not all but I would love for it to come back not just for me but for everyone that missed out on it and just have that fun experience. I donā€™t care about the accomplishments of getting it anyone could have gotten it due to practice and pushing yourself, everyone just ran out of time when they decided to close the mage tower. Iā€™m a team player so I donā€™t mind sharing but for others I guess itā€™s mine and it will stay that way.

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There is no value rofl. Again the only value is if you sell your account which is against ToS. You want something limited that actually takes skill go get a glad mount.

They said they were going away and they shouldnā€™t come back. Thanks blizzard.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying, either all or none. Is what Iā€™m saying. I just can see why they did what they did - but I donā€™t know about flails - if they are the only one then yeah, well, there you go. Itā€™s a festering issue and some people will not let it go. It would have been better not to include the bear, but by doing so, itā€™s opened this can of worms.