Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

“I” being the key word… err letter.

Many WOULD disapprove.


A game that’s losing relevance and the majority of it’s playerbase day after day while being sued left and right also diminishes the player’s “accomplishments”, you silly goose.


AWW SNAP. This is all I ever wanted anyway, though the artifact weapon appearances were still cool.

I really hope my sub doesn’t run out before this goes live. :grimacing:

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THe druid ones, lmao thats it? The easiest ones because you could cheese them all but maybe the healer one? lmao okay buddy i’ve heard all i needed, sit down.

You can still earn the TINTS today, not the unlock, thats the important part in case you had missed it.


I already said I earned all of them, except the bear one, because it’s hideous.

Ahh you’re all about “MAH RIGHTS”… you have no rights in WoW, rofl. It’s hilarious to think you do.


Congratulations on ensuring that nobody will be going to the Mage tower other than guardian druids now. These armors look crap, they already exist in the game. Literal re-colours of re-colours. I was hyped and looking forward to this as a new pastime but I guess I will be forgetting about it now. :slight_smile:


Apples to oranges

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You can’t earn the tints without the initial unlock. People here are asking for the feral initial unlock, and you’re crying about it. Then you’re saying it was easy for people to do, after saying it was hard and people shouldn’t get it now because it was hard.

Pick a story, and stick with it, it’ll help your already bogus argument at least.


Kruul stomped you then lmao, and you didn’t even have to enter the circle on tormentor as a bear because you could cheese it, please just stop lol you’re not making this better for yourself.

“so easy except i didn’t earn the easiest one”


You’re welcome! I didn’t do anything though. Blizzard has all the power. I am merely a user with my own opinion, and I agree with their stance.


What a joke. Just when you think they’re about to do something right they keep the thing players want most unobtainable. Enough with the unobtainable items and required FOMO gaming.


And people wonder why WoW is considered to be the mmo with the most toxic playerbase. Probably because Blizzard caters to them so hard lol. I have 27/36 of the appearances. Have no desire to get the others. I just want it to come back for other people. Oh well. Typical Blizzard. One step forward and then a fall off of a cliff.


Limited=/=We’re removing the challenge mode looks permanently.


“Taking” what away exactly? You’d still have the appearances and your achievement. Not sure what anyone is “taking” away from you.


Good work Blizzard, and thanks for not listening to the crybabies who whined about bringing the old appearances back.

This is a great compromise, and you have my respect for keeping your word as a company.


Why would I earn the easiest one if it’s ugly as hell? No point putting in time for something I never plan on using. I use the big red glowing bear skin since you seem to care so much about what skin I use.

Oh wow you argue like a 4th grader.

Me: Big long line of logic.
You: I know you are but what am I?

Way to miss my entire point. I’m saying that as someone who has them, I support them still being brought back because it won’t bruise my ego. Just like I support classes other than Demon Hunters being able to transmog the Warglaives of Azzinoth.

But I’m guessing you’re going to keep arguing like an 8 year old because that’s your level of reading comprehension, so welcome to my ignore list.


No, folks had their chance to get the appearances.


You don’t really believe that anyone who quit or plans to quit because of (bad) content is really going to say “Well this game sucks, but I can have an artifact skin so TAKE MY MONEY!” I know we like to throw in “WoW should do this because subs are down!”, but let’s try to keep it slightly believable.


No point in even doing the Mage Tower for some ugly recolor transmogs. Only reason people wanted it back was for the ARTIFACTS SKINS. At least let people just have one tint if you need to keep pushing this fomo nonsense.

Got most of the ones I wanted back in Legion, wouldn’t have minded trying to finally get the frost mage one. Now I’ll just ignore this completely. Thanks for killing the hype, which isn’t something you should be doing right now lmao