
I don’t recall any rep grinding in Witcher, Mass Effect, or Divinity. All 3 were major rpg series.

So many people whining about renown, when it’s been the quickest rep grind we’ve had so far.

15 renown doesn’t take that long, I’m 15 renown on most of my toons just from playing the game . . .

It’s like a month to get to 15, if that.

Granted, I don’t think static flying should require pathfinder, but I don’t think 15 renown is as much a difficulty as half the forums are claiming.


Loamm is easy if you don’t stress about it. Most of my toons are max with them and all I ever do are the weekly things - the Loamm rep weekly, sniffenseeking and researchers.

Tabards are only thing in the Wrath and Cataclysm expansions.

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And that is the problem with Loamm, it’s artificially gated to the extreme.

Sure, you can do the weekly chores that don’t take more than 30 minutes a week over the course of several months and easily get renown rank 15.

But try to gain rep with Loamm by putting in extra effort beyond the weekly events and you’ll quickly see how many things award no reputation or far less reputation than similar activities for other reps, and how the gains are clearly designed to gate rep as a means to string players along for months.

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Those aren’t subscription based MMORPG’s

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idk why they ditched the shadowlands system of world quest dailies for the weekly system. It was great being able to pick and choose what days you did what zones on alts and immediately gain a big chunk of rep for doing the overlapping quests.

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Yes that system was much much better.

Things make a ton more sense when you consider that most of the people here dont actually want to play the game and like to argue online about minor things.


PERSONALLY…I like the renown thing like it is now.
I get to know the faction more, they give me more access to their stuff.
perfectly logical. Great RPG value

Lord…was this thread about flight / pathfinder again and I overlooked that part? lol.

We got dragonriding for doing pretty much nothing but a few quests.
Normal flight should have been even less given how long the wait was for it.
Pathfinder needs to die a horrible death and burned instead of being buried so its forgotten entirely.

such a joke.
New player gets into DF.
New player gets DRing within the hour.
New player now has to grind rep for a month to get the LESSER version of flight in the content.

only Ion and crew could come up with this stuff. :joy::joy:


I know that. I wasn’t addressing that because it wasn’t part of the discussion in the post I was replying to. That’s why I quoted them. They said RPG not MMORPG.

I’m aware of the difference.

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That’s the biggest problem with it. For a ‘catch up’ zone, it’s too slow going.

The rift rep is super slow, but at least you get a guaranteed 200+ rep per rift and you can do them day and night.