Renown 10 - World Quest ilvl not updating

Reached Renown 10 last night on my night elf hunter in the Ardenweald covenant. (Please note that my forum avatar is showing level 50 on Nysse which is incorrect. She is level 60 and the character in question with the issue.)

One of the Renown 10 rewards is that the ilvl of your world quests should update. I see no other pre-requisites, but I have not completed “Torment Chamber: Jaina”.

My current ilvl is 154. My world quests rewards prior to gaining Renown 10 was 148.

Understanding that perhaps the current world quests may need to recycle before I saw updates, I waited overnight until this afternoon and checked again. All world quests, including new ones that appeared since last night, still have 148 ilvl.

Is there something that I’m missing?


I can report the same. It has now been about 24 hours since achieving Renown 10 (Necrolord) on my DK. ilevel 158. All current pieces of gear from World Quests show 148 pieces.


Renown level 12. World Quest rewards showing as 148, have never increased. Left it 24 hours and checked again. Level 60 Frost Mage Lolavavoom - Aman’thul


This is clearly a bug as I got to 162 ilevel through a heroic then checked the map and saw that a number of world quest rewards had increased to over 160 did one of them got an 164 item then flew to Revendreth where there was an item with 161 level but when I got there the item went back to 148… wtf!!!


I posted on this as well. It seems to be somewhat affected not only by your item level in bags, but equipped item level. It that is intended, the Renown 10 message should be “Unlocks the possibility of high level world quests.” I hope it’s a bug. At best, it’s inconsistent as a guild mate with my exact same item level got a higher piece than I did from the same world quest (while grouped) and we were both Renown 10.


Update, I saw ilevel 158 rewards for world quests today on my DK (the one mentioned above). Did the quests, but was only rewarded with a 148 piece. Similarly, all the other pieces I saw (another 158 and a 151) are back down to 148.

Currently, I’m now Renown 12 on my DK and ilevel 158. I have submitted this as an in-game ticket related to loot. Will see if they have any response.


That’s not how it works in Shadowlands - that was Legion and BfA, but in SL, world quest item level is tied to covenant level.

And yep, mine’s broken as well. Just seeing 148 and the occasional 151/155 quest at an overall item level of 159.

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I completed “Torment Chamber: Jaina” and have been working on my Renown 11 Campaign quests (heading to Twilight Highlands). I have managed to record the change in item level for the same World Quest while on the taxi with zero changes to my character or items in my bags. Only the location of my character is different. The screenshots were taken within a minute of each other.

World Quest: Trashin’ the Camp in Revendreth

ilvl 155 -
ilvl 148 -

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To be clear, from the time I saw the ilevel 158 trinket in Revendreth (“Thrashin’ the Camp”, rewarding the Master Duelist’s Chit) to the time I completed the quest, I changed no gear on my character nor in my bags. No spec change, nothing. I simply flew, traveled to the quest area, and did the quest.

The piece that landed in my bags was a 148 version of the Master’s Duelist chit.

UPDATE: This appears to be related to the location from which you’re viewing the world quests. Standing at the entrance of the Seat of the Primus (Maldraxxus), I’m seeing the 158 and 151 ilevel rewards. Standing near the Bleak Redoubt flight master (Maldraxxus, those same rewards are showing as 148.

Two world quests being viewed are “Air Supremacy” and “Remedial Lessons”.

Screenshots below (to note, only the position of my DK is different–you may need to click to view the larger screenshots to see the ilevels):

Air Supremacy comparison:
Remedial Lessons comparison:

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There’s also the problem that the Renown 10 upgrade should have you seeing 164/171 ilvl rewards, and that “upgrade” is completely not working.

Kind of funny that WQ rewards upgraded in ilvl so seamlessly in Legion and BfA and now, with what’s meant to be a simple “get this renown to get these rewards” system, it’s suddenly broken.


World Quest Rewards bait n switch iLevel. I have reached Renown 12 on my Hunter and saw on the map that the World Quest this morning were actually offering upgrades (Current iLevel168) as I have some 155 pcs I still need to replace. However, upon completion, the items that ended up being rewarded to me in my bags were 155, not the 168’s that were promised on the overworld map. This is frustrating as I would have spent my time elsewhere on Anima or Torghast - I wouldn’t have persued these WQ if the iLevel was correctly marked. I have pictures of my display showing the problem if you want them. Thank you.


Well looks like it has been fixed for me, not sure about everyone else though. Not sure if it was something I did or Blizzard did. Would be good to know what the issue was.

This has not been fixed. Yesterday a glaive for 161 kept reverting to 151 when I would get close to the WQ. Today a ring for 161 is reverting to 151.

Looks like with the weekly reset it has gone back to 145 item level. Look at the patch notes and they say they fixed it…no Blizz you didn’t!

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