(bug) ilevel on World Map tied to location of character?

This is an extension / evolution of the issue discovered and discussed in the following thread:


When viewing world quest rewards from the world map, the reward shown changes depending on the location of the character. Two screenshots provided below for two world quests (Air Supremacy and Remedial Lessons). One set of shots was taken near the entrance to the Seat of the Primus in Maldraxxus, where ilevel 158 and 151 rewards were being displayed. Second set of shots was taken at the flightmaster of the Bleak Redoubt (the flight point just a few yards away from the Seat of the Primus entrance) where those same rewards were ilevel 148. Same two world quests, same two rewards, different ilevels on display.

Air Supremacy: https://i.imgur.com/yID97oN.jpg
Remedial Lessons: https://i.imgur.com/dfgpzD0.jpg


I’m seeing the same thing. This is going across several threads and seems to be a consistent issue. Some people, like myself, have even seen it change in the old world (Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms) or in their Garrison from Warlords of Draenor.

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Yes. When in covenant zones world quest rewards revert back to 148, while in oribos they are at my item level of around 163.

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So, late last night, after I posted the above-mentioned threads, I upgraded my covenant armor to their next rank (Rank 3). This bumped my DK’s ilevel to 160. As such, the displayed rewards on the world map upgraded to higher ilevels accordingly.

Remedial Lessons now shows as a 155 reward. Air Supremacy still shows a 158, but is now a conduit instead of being a cloak, as it was last night. This correlates with other reports on these forums that the entire nature of the rewards is changing for some people, and not just the ilevel.

Screenshot here: https://i.imgur.com/rRfPrCz.jpg

Both world quests rewards still drop to 148 when leaving my covenant sanctum, however. Anything that’s actually rewarded is rewarded at the lower ilevel, too.

This just happened to me as well. I have 4 WQ’s showing ilevel 168 gear while I was at Elysian Hold. I flew to one of them, which was still in Bastion, and now all 4 are ilevel 155. I am at Renown 12. This is super frustrating and also doesn’t seem to happen to every player. My husband, also Kyrian and Renown 12, has consistently seen his ilevel rewards be correct while all of mine continue to be low and/or change when I get there.

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Happening to me to, can they please fix this as fast as the fix the bugs that “benefit us?”
Absolutely sick and tired of this crap, i really have no patience for this kind of thing anymore.

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