Rendle inventory is empty, can’t buy legendary memories

The new vendor Rendle doesn’t appear to sell anything on one of my toons. On my main (rogue) I can see all the memories for sale, but when I check on my DK, Rendle doesn’t appear to sell anything.

I’ve tried adjusting the filters for class, spec, nothing works. Anyone else experiencing this? My DK has finished the entire campaign and is Honored w/ Enlightened.

It is a bug, it was reported numerous times. No answer so far.

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This has been an issue for weeks now and Blizz is either oblivious to it or ignoring it. It’s been reported a ton of times and has even had blue responses

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my toons that did castle lfr and already have the memories are the only ones that can’t see anything. because they already have them.

I wonder if the cause is something that silly… usually you can still see items you’ve already bought. Heck, the korthia and zm vendors will gladly sell you more items to learn/consume that you’ve already learned previously.

Yeah I was just explaining the other part of whatever this bug is. It should probably show something there even if it has an “you’ve already learned that item” tag on it.

This is happening to me on my Death Knight as well. Any updates?

Your DK has cleared Castle Nathria. You should have all those memories already. That’s all that NPC sells.

Why on earth have blizzard not fixed this bug it was first reported almost 30 days ago, a large percentage of players cannot access Rendle’s legendary memories. I have reported this and the response I received was basically “go submit a bug report and maybe one day it will be fixed”. I’m sorry but if I am paying $20 a month i expect small bugs like this to be fixed a lot faster then a month. I have to sit and wait for god knows how long because Rendle has a BiS legendary I need for arena. not cool Blizzard.

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I know math isn’t your strongest subject so I’ll help you out. You’re paying $30 every 2 months. That comes out to $15 a month. Who’s taking you for that $5?!

Hmm, yknow, not everyone pays the same amount. Visceralx is an Oceanic player, and we pay $19.95 Australian dollars per month. So, not so much about maths as all that.


Yea, but doesn’t what they pay come out to the same as what we (U.S.) players pay?

Thats beside the point. He was saying what he pays and that its not fair.


Don’t even bother trying to explain it to him he would still need a team of 5 people to sit him down irl and draw pictures in crayon for him to begin to understand. save your finger energy brother lol!

Its ok, not everyone mouses over a character to note their server, or even knows what realms are on what servers. You and I know what we pay shrug others probably dont. :sunglasses:

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My main finished up the ZM quest line and got flying yesterday. I brought this character to ZM just before weekly reset and found Rendle selling two sets of memories, one set purchasable with Korthia archivists currency and matching set for ZM currency

Because “the NPC doesn’t have anything to sell when you already know those memories” isn’t a bug?


He sells things? I thought he was just there to repair lol

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Has your DH tried bringing him cookies?

I know that always makes me more amenable.

Yeah he should have 2 pages of things haha. exactly my point its a huge bug that blizzard couldn’t care less about regardless of it being reported by thousands of people for over 30 days.