Rendle inventory is empty, can’t buy legendary memories

You and Totes should play together you are both as intelligent as one another.

That’s a new kind of time gating :slight_smile:

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Post on the character that can’t see any memories for sale at that NPC.

Character that’s cleared the raid:

Character that hasn’t:

It’s not a bug. This isn’t the first NPC whose one-time use items disappear after you’ve already purchased/learned them. The same thing happens with the Research vendor in Korthia when you buy and use the various upgrades on a given character.


That means that character has the CN raid memories.

Yeah. Because they already have them. Once you have them, they disappear so you don’t buy them again. And the CN ones are the only ones he sells.

I dont want to make you feel Im calling you silly (because Im not) but are you sure you dont already have them?

I took one of my toons to Rendle, a hunter, and only a couple of the Memories were available. And that was because another toon had already obtained the other ones so they couldn’t be purchased and were just not in the book.

I tested other characters (different classes) who had none of them and all of the ones were available for purchase. So maybe take a look at your list of Memories and make sure another character didnt get them. And as others have said, there are only the Castle Nathria boss drops.

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I’m having the same issue on a fresh druid. I know for sure that there are memories I can not view to purchase that I have NOT acquired…because they are acquired from torghast wings that are not open this week. Hoping Blizz is serious about moving away from terrible systems like this in the future.