Rend buff for alliance?

link your unbiased factual source of information

All the changes were in TBC.

Blizzard just patched it because they felt it looked better. Nothing to do with balance.

I played both factions in classic.

My ele shaman was like 43-2.

There was videos of people who had the add-on that tracked win rates.

You would have exalted alliance with 0 wins lmao.

You don’t know what you’re talking about.

The strat to back cap ibgy was called “scorched earth”.

Why do you think ally started making the av premade discord?

we had guildies that made some alliance toons just for the free wins so your argument holds no water… you said you had this factual source of info and when i asked for it you post your “own experience” lol so the information source is not really out there and just because you were trash in AV you have to come on here and spread this nonsense that goes against what we have all known to be true for 20 years lmao

You want me to link a thread from like 6 years ago that was literally 9,000 posts lmao, like in expectiled to find it??

You also have YouTube

The thread was literally made by a horde dude with a 1000 av games lmao

I forget his name, he was a tauren warrior if I recall

Again, i dont know how this isnt getting through your brain.

After classic finished, they reworked AV completely to change the map advantages horde have.

People have known about this for 20 years.

You have been wrong for 20 years.

The only reason alliance started winning, was 40man premades. When they disabled this, alliance win rates went through free fall and AV died.

lol i can find a youtube link to fit any narrative because there are so many out there. I can find and post a youtube link that argues both sides of this coin but if i only chose to look at the one that fits my argument (your way of fact checking something) its not really a factual statement

Found it.

Made by Hawne

You’re just biased, also sorry it’s 8700 not 9000

But nekrage has been making av premades for 20 years

:clown_face: :clown_face:

It’s funny cuz ally were losing 95% of classic av then TBCC launched and all of a sudden ally were good again.

Wonder why?

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again tho this thread is arguing both sides… that is not 8700 comments in support of the OPs posts lol you can take the slide bar and jump to any part of that giant thread and find opposing statements so why is the OPs posts so golden and should be taken as fact? because he started the thread? the poeple in this thread that speak against what he is saying are wrong just because they dont agree with you? its a big post with a lot of comments but they are not all on the side of your argument

anyway peace out back to real life stuff this is a small amusement before work :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes it was like 2 of the same horde people.

Misadventure and Red.

Read reds stuff lmao

He talks about ally should use stealth groups, or meat grinder strats

The dude is cracked.

If you can’t objectively look at what is being pointed out idk what to say

Ally can’t push south if horde defend.

You can use common sense here man.

How does someone out reinforce their first objective when horde res TWICE AS MANY players as alliance and they are 90 seconds closer than alliance to the objective.

Horde can send 20 people to back cap ibgy and ally won’t hold it.

They could have 30 ppl there and every single time an ally dies trying to defend ibgy for 5 minutes waiting for the hard cap they get sent all the way to SPGY, literally 2 minutes away.

When a horde dies they get sent 25 seconds away.

So good, imagine being this wrong

mind control basically creates a temporary faction change enabling the person being MCd to gain buffs associated with the faction.