Rend buff for alliance?

Maybe asking for too much but I was wondering about this since people have been using exploits to safespot and get it on alliance in the past, but only people willing to do that are able to get it. Instead of just letting those people do it, can we either get rend buff on alliance or ban the people that are exploiting for it?


It is asking too much. YOu can’t have it. Roll horde.

You can always just buy a second subscription and level a horde priest to mind control your alliance main

Hey bro, 10k posts of the worst takes. Let the people with over double digit IQ talk please.

Yes rend buff for alliance sounds wonderful :slight_smile:


How do you even do it? Not sure I fully understand how that’s happening

100% should be there

Less of a game-changer than dual spec

Make the Era nerds mad and put it in @aggrend


Priest MC on outskirts of org / under org or in crossroads.

Need 2 accounts or a horde friend

I support Rend buff for all iterations of World of Warcraft Vanilla.


Stop boot licking he’s not your friend and doesn’t listen to you, as much as you want influence you’ll never be that guy.

You’ve been like this since som. Trying to be discord mod and invite Aggrend to them every fresh please spare me.

Rend buff would help the alliance players

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Wasn’t rend buff added to horde to balance out how strong alliance raids are?

Imagine a faction gets an entire world buffs to itself and still barely competes with the strength of paladins.

Why is it that when Classic Era is about to receive something good you must always find a way to haul your huge oversized Troll a5s and smear your disgusting excrement all over this forum?

Do you know how unsettling and disturbing it is to see your response taint something so precious, near and dear to all of us?

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Even if that’s true, alliance players are getting it by using these mind control tactics so why not just give it to them instead of it only being available to the sweats that are willing to do all this. It’s just more gatekeeping.

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I lol’d. As if Alliance don’t Alliance don’t have enough of an advantage lol.

From what I understand, they have this advantage already. You just have to jump through a few hoops to get it. In the video I watched, the warriors were doing almost 2k damage with this buff and all the others. They all had it. So that just means the sweaty parse Alliance guilds get it and nobody else does.

Which most won’t do it and Horde can stop them.

No. Just because SOME players go the extra mile, it doesn’t mean we give it to everyone.

SOME people get Rank 14, so all players should immediately be granted Rank 14?


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Not even remotely the same thing

Yeah good idea. Our alliance brothers need this

Ok so Horde get Kings. Sounds like a deal.

As if this game wasn’t easy to begin with lol. Now we have free Rank 14, booned world buffs and no debuff or buff limits lol.

The game heavily favors Alliance. You don’t need more. If you even try to justify this you must compensate Horde players with something.

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How about advantages in every BG map? Seems fair