Who said it’s reasonable? I don’t make the rules about how demons are named when you summon them from the void.
No, it was not “fixed” before 1.12. I was able to do it up through at least WotLK and online sources and warlock fan sites were still reporting it working in 2011.
It was not a well known function granted but I first read about it from a LiveJournal post (which is still available) written in October of 2005 and that site reported it was being actively discussed on Allakhazam at the time.
krakthang is a great name. Only thing better would have been krakho. I got stuck with Tangmoth.
If this is disabled, then we’re making changes after all.
Wow, my imp’s name on my Warlock (Qassandra on Grob) is Ruprin as well! Damn, what are the odds.
I see you’ve never played a warlock before. We are always the most important.
This is correct.
My brother got jag’juk i laughed at that name for the rest of the night and kept calling his vw juk lol
Yeah my IMP’s name is Yazham, and i really hate it… XD I wish we could change demon’s names in classic. RIP
Rubbish. I recall when it was fixed during Vanilla. I renamed my warlock pets on Alleria on my first Warlock, yet when I started again on Frostmourne the macro no longer worked.
There’s also talk on this Wowhead forum (2008) talking about it no longer working and claiming it had been at least a year earlier. That makes it 2007, before Wotlk came out.
Succubus’ name is Jhorna…
Really wish the macro still worked lol
RP servers are that way >>>>>>
You’re a paladin, not a necromancer…
Unfortunately Blizzard does not consider “this player doesn’t see any harm” sufficient reason to add a feature to a game. Not even retail.
It is much more true with Classic, where Blizzard is intentionally not “improving” Classic, even though they know hundreds of improvements that were made in retail.
That is the whole point of Classic, isn’t it? If you add in all the changes that Blizzard liked, you get retail. They’ve already done that.
My VW is KrakDok
mixin up the medicine
My imp was named Nokpad
You think they will patch it in some day?
I doubt this’ll get added back. I don’t think it was a feature of Vanilla so much as an unintended scripting exploit. I 100% guarantee that it DID work in early vanilla, but it’s not working in classic
Nice necro…
WoW does have a necromancer class, but only for the forums.