Removing Wrath Servers is a mistake!

Bruh, I lost braincells reading this.

If they made you play what they wanted everyone would be on retail and classic wouldn’t exist. Expansions are meant and have been played sequentially for the limited duration of their life nothing new. Servers that just reset to start or have a constant progression through the same expansion sounds terrible imo and a server for each expack in conjunction with all the other random servers like HC, SoD etc serve to dilute population and make each a lesser experience overall this is still a MMO population being together does matter. Just some of the many ways I think this is a dumb take.

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Not a substantial loss, you didn’t seem to have many to begin with.

And? What business is it of yours what expac I wish to play or not?

What population?

Figure it out yourself.

Have more tantrums please.

You are aware that an MMO needs a certain amount of people for it to fully function right?

You can’t fully experience an MMO or at least WoW by yourself.

How many?

Give me a number.

I’d say at least 500.

Assuming you’re doing the various stuff at-level…3 for Scenarios in MoP alone, 5 for every single dungeon unless you’re exactly that one person who soloed raids for…some reason…which on that note, usually somewhere between 10-25 people for raids, and PvP varies based on the BG you’re doing and how many people queued.

Of course, it also depends on the MMO, too. One of the ones I play is DDO and about the only real reason other players matter to the way I play is for certain high-end crafting materials from a raid that’s not so common anymore that cost a crapton of money because of how useful the end result is and how rare the last tier of items are.

10-25 isn’t enough for a server to function.

I know that. >.>

I’m talking per activity, not total. If we’re talking a single server having not only enough people to function, but also have a functioning economy, 500’s probably the BARE minimum to have any sort of commodity churn that makes buying things you can’t make viable.

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Yah In my op 500 would be a great start.

Nah warmane exists for ppl like u.

Lol someone’s mad. No one cares what Xpack you want to play, play it when it’s offered or go play private it’s the way the games been since the start.

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It’d be nice if the only worthwhile Cata private did something other than "good job, you hit 60, now open this item and hit 80 immediately along with free ilevel 245 greens. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shows how bad Wrath levelling is if they give you that

Well, and that’s why private servers will always be around and will supply a sort of competition to the official thing. Private servers are enough proof that people want specific eras to stick around and will put in the effort to make it so, and generally for free.

It’s not rocket science.

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Actually, not entirely true. It mainly proofs that some people absolutely hate Blizzard and would never join official servers (I know it first hand). Not entirely sure why Blizzard should cater to them?

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You know, I suppose it doesn’t make sense to do so without 1) raising the subscription price, or 2) charging a separate price to access those servers.

At the end of the day, Blizzard’s a corporation and corporations always value making money over their consumers. All they really would have to do is find that proverbial carrot on the stick to get people onboard with that idea.

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The carrot on the stick is releasing Cata and wait until people have interest in Wrath (or any expansion) again.

Except Cata was a crapshow the first time around.

At this point, anyone who wants to do it a second time around is holding people who appreciated the game as it originally was hostage.

Personally, I’d skip all the way to Legion if I wanted to play an enjoyable expansion again.

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