Removing the timer on Mythic +

It’s Faux. A buff to anything in the game other than M+ is a direct nerf to M+.

The guy getting hero track in his delve vault is somehow nerfing your mythic vault Dwellknarr. Don’t ask why or how. Just be angry.


The game’s loot rewards are relative to one another.

People don’t care about absolute ilvl numbers (because we have higher ilvls in Legion.)

People don’t care about how high ilvl is in the current season either.

Just how much it’s worth, this season, compared to everything else, that’s also in this season.

If your requirements is that m+0 m+10 encompasses 4 tracks, then state that I suppose.

If it’s something else, please let me know.

“People” complain about literally everything. That doesn’t mean there aren’t players who match the criteria I have described here who wouldn’t even see a need to complain.

I mean I would be confused as to why they made those scaling changes without any indication of their intention. As it is I don’t think the actions they chose were ever going to meet their intended goals, but at least I know what they were trying to achieve.

But my overall disposition wouldn’t have changed much. Blizzard didn’t serve the needs of the community they claimed to be wanting to meet (those who wanted timerless/affixless content that was difficult) and sacrificed the low end community in M+ to do it. It would’ve taken longer to realize that’s what they did, but once known not much would change.

You can find examples of people who ask for nearly anything in a large enough population. Nowhere have I said that there aren’t players who subscribe to the notions you’re talking about. But you are projecting the actions and motivations of those people across the entire player base, pretending alternative ways of thinking do not exist.

But my argument has never been about the raw item number value. That number in a vacuum is meaningless; having a 5 item level could mean you are literal god or having a 238,023,820 item level could mean we can’t even take down a critter. What matters as it relates to item level is how powerful you are relative to the content you’re doing. And for the player who only cares a single kind of content, all that matters is their power level relative to the content they are doing.

You may weigh all items solely based on their position relative to all other items in the season regardless of source. But not everyone does. And for them, buffs and nerfs to the gear from other sources do not impact their experience in the content they’re doing this season.

So your position is that m+0 to m+ 10 encompasses 4 rewards tracks, and you’re happy?

Don’t care for ilvl, don’t care for raid rewards or delve rewards.

That could be what you’re willing to accept, but I ask for more than just that.

Being on a timer makes you think on the fly and assess cooldown usage. This lieutenant mob is at 25% health, next pack is 5 seconds away…will I get enough use out of my CD or hold ot vs just send cooldowns whenever, then crack open a snickers between pulls so everyone can hard burst every pack down while the tank has every major survivability CD available to them every group.

It also rewards riskier play. If there are 3 packs close to each other and none of the packs pose any threat individually, you might want to grab all 3 for big damage and to save some time. On the other hand, a death counter punishes riskier play.

Where on earth did you reach this conclusion? Absolutely nowhere was it discussed whether the current loot structure within any of those game modes was good, bad, or indifferent. Just that a change to one mode will be completely transparent to many players who only participate in a different mode.

Because if you don’t care for raid rewards or delve rewards, then that’s all that remains.

4 reward tracks based on current tuning.

And higher m+ rewards better gear than lower m+.

If that’s not the case, then you’re taking a position in relative rewards which you claim you don’t care about.

Of course, the difficulty will remain similar.

But this entire rabbit hole is a deflection. For a player who only cares for M+, regardless how good or bad the M+ system is, a buff to raid loot doesn’t make the M+ system worse; nor does a nerf to delve loot make that system better.

The number of upgrade tracks in M+ has zero bearing on what we have been talking about. My opinion of the M+ loot system also has zero bearing. The only way a change to one mode would be a buff or nerf to another is for a player that is somewhat agnostic of what mode they are playing, and all that matters is the best way to get loot.

You might be willing to accept that but I’m not.

If m+ is not to have the highest ilvl (because Blizzard to decided to buff raid rewards) then gear higher ilvl than m+ better be downscaled so that it’s equal to the highest m+ loot else the mode will lose a lot of appeal.

I care about rewards from other sources only in how they affect m+.

the same could be said for all other content. the fact is that its not that bad and if you dont want to do m+ heroic raid is also a good place for gear. hop in a decent aotc guild and farm it. basically there are other options those are just the three best for those tracks of gear.

No, fix the deplete.

There is no situation where they remove the timer and replace it with nothing, and they said so themselves, they would replace the timer with a death counter, which is literally an idiotic idea.

No depletion and no failed run rewards sounds pretty good to me, stops people freaking about about depleting keys

And that’s fine, every player can choose what’s important to them. I fully acknowledge there are players who have a similar mindset, and I’m in no way trying to suggest it’s wrong to think like that.

It’s just not everyone does think this way. A lot of players engage in a single endgame mode, and changes made to other modes don’t concern them in the slightest. Nothing about their experience changes if another mode is buffed or nerfed, so they frankly don’t care about those changes.

No. End of story.

The deplete needs to go, or be significantly reduced, and if you disagree, you don’t know wtf you’re talking about.

Deplete is the reason why m+ is not as good as it could be.

This is not up to discussion, you just don’t know wtf you’re talking about if you disagree on this.

I literally said remove depletion and failed run rewards. Did you read?

I think people who think otherwise are the minority.

Is this a serious question? Having to ensure you, and the rest of the team, uses the right cc, heals at the right times, and pulls the right trash for maximum efficiency is how the timer brings a challenge. If you strip the timer 90% of the challenge is gone. Nothing’s difficult about taking 15 mins on trash packs pulling them 1 group at a time.

Blizzard is reworking M+, regardless of what anyone wants. People are just discussing what to re-work.