Removing pets from MM goes against Blizz’s stated goal of keeping the RPG in MMORPG

To play it.

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Cool. No need to get rid of our pets then.


This is like if they wanted to make the color for Hunter red and people disliked it, but you said “wait to play it.”

I’m really not sure what you think needs to be played to know they don’t like the theme given to the spec.

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I’ve suggested multiple times that they implement a glyph that lets you replace the eagle with a stabled pet.

Really that’s all they need to do. Having your pet be your eyes and ears for taking better shots is a significantly better execution of the Hunter fantasy in Marksman than what currently exists. Not to mention the inherent clunkiness that currently exists between Lone Wolf being better but Hunters still having a significant amount of utility in their pet.

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Fair, but what’s stopping the changes from just… being tied to the pet MM chose to use?

It feels a little overdesigned, when you put it this way.


Yeah I was trying to say the same thing. It’s like they’d be creating and solving a problem at the same time. But still it means that we’d be losing our pets as tanks and still losing the petless/lone wolf option. Nothing about it makes things better. If they want to change their rotation and give them a bloodlust that doesn’t require a pet then fine. The pet/lone wolf choice isn’t a problem at all then.

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This is what rubs me the wrong way about the change. Personally, I play MM petless 100% of the time, and also I don’t mind the changes in the upcoming patch… but I can still clearly see why people wouldn’t like it.

The whole thing is bizarre, frankly. I’d love to chat with whoever cooked on that stove.


That would be a good QOL change, but it’d double down on the problem MM currently has with it’s class fantasy of the pet not really doing anything.

Like you said earlier in this thread, MM is about the Sniper/Sharpshooter fantasy. How does a pet which does literally nothing for the gameplay do that?

Changing the pet to a spotter which buffs the sharpshooting aspects of MM’s kit does that.

Simply buffing MM by tying the few things that the pet currently does to the hunter would be a welcome QoL, but would not improve the class fantasy.

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But it’s not like that. You get a passive pet that triggers with your abilities. That’s not a paintjob. You clown.

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That’s why I linked a source. So that when some one who thinks they’re actually teaching me something in a very snarky and condescending way, they can go look at the official Warcraft page dealing with official Warcraft lore, and how that specific spec was written in warcraft.

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But the abilities aren’t the problem. The presentation is.


it was pulled directly from the quote that was left by the Devs on the post that I linked. So if you wanna scroll up until you see a big wall of blue, you can actually find that specific phrase there.

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I don’t see that as a problem at all. For those of us who like our pets they’re our companions who help us in combat. They do a little damage and they keep the enemy’s attention, and we in turn keep them healed. They aren’t integral as a part of the marksman spec but they are a fundamental part of the hunter class. But for people who don’t care for that part of the class, they have the choice to be that petless sharpshooter. Making the eagle integral to the MM spec takes that choice away. Now an animal is baked in. That makes it even closer to BM, which already revolves around giving direct commands to your animals. Except it wouldn’t even be an animal we choose.


I’m not sure how the fantasy is any different between an enforced Eagle and just another pet you’d use on any other spec, other than the part where the Eagle is enforced.

The glyph idea “solves” that problem, but the problem is fabricated to begin with in that case. Thus my issue.


Using Tyrande (ignoring the fact that she’s a priest), gives you the owl from the Sentinel hero talent tree.


Man why can’t my Priest use a bow?

BS, honestly.

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I would like pets to be removed from SV as well. Ge on it, blizz. Chop chop.

so instead of forcing lone wolf they are…forcing lone wolf playstyle.


And fixing problems with it at the same time.

It’s also been the default playstyle for so long now that (for the players who just copy down a guide/streamer’s build) this isn’t really a change.

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I would not be surprised if the Sentinel was where Blizzard got the idea that MM should have a spotter-style pet to improve how they shoot, but like less arcane/nelf orientated.

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