I didn’t play the previous two expansions and played sparsely following Pandas. At some point they axed the old forum or old forum accounts. I was fairly active prior to that. Most of my achievement points probably come from vanilla through Pandas, too. Feel free to double check for me while you’re nitpicking.
You are the one who claimed I don’t read as you proceeded to not read my post where I said it was my opinion lol.
Also classic “it’s on my other account” reply after getting called out.
And the old forums were axed almost 7 years ago at this point.
This toon is my newest forum character as of 2 years ago, as seen by my profile.
So all you admitted to was very minimal forum usage in 4 years of using your paly. Where my activity absolutely shadows yours. Don’t make wild claims that can be instantly refuted as well as making points that can’t be substantiated.
NO ONE knows who the majority or minority is, but clearly blizzard knows something since they are moving in this direction.
Also see;
Are you sure you want to play that game?
But, I agree with Adriel. Cosmetics, transmog, customization, and player choice are powerful forces that we shouldn’t disregard.
Being able to choose your pets fall under that umbrella.
Hey as long as we keep it kosher
I agree as well. I just don’t agree with their assessment of what the “majority” want.
Let’s be honest. The vast majority of complaints either want a pet, or don’t want a pet. And we all got this eagle
But yea, they should have either fully committed to removing or just pulled from our stables.
Hopefully the future cosmetics they mentioned correct this.
So, when people flood the forum will you issue an apology to me or nah?
My paladin was created in 2007, shortly after the Burning Crusade launched. I leveled my original hunter from vanilla to level 70 before making the paladin. I didn’t admit that my paladin is only four years old, I said I didn’t play Shadowlands or Dragonflight at all. No subscription. Zero Warcraft. And between Pandas and Shadowlands I played fairly sparsely. Battle For Azeroth released in 2018, seven years ago, and I only played the last few months of that expansion.
The point I was making about forum use is that my perusing is a recent occurrence and my numbers are going to be low because I was on hiatus for years, I only resubbed in August of last year, and anything I did on the forum previously is gone forever.
The more direct point I was making is that there tends to be more “likes” on posts asking for the changes to be reverted, or at least give MM the option of having the pet. You can say the forum is a minority of players, and it is, but what other metrics do we have to go by? What other ways do we have to make our voices heard than by the forum? The majority of the minority want a pet. The minority of the minority don’t.
No one is even asking for MM to be forced to use a pet, we’re just asking to not be forced into not having one.
Edit: why do I use my paladin for the forum and not my hunter? Because my paladin is my favorite toon and has been since I made her in BC. Tanking sucks this expansion so I don’t play her nearly as much as my hunter now, but she’s still my favorite. Hunter is: Katarina-Malygos. She’s new, though, my OG hunter is still level squished to level 50. I made Kat because the trading post had the green vagabond’s hood and it inspired me to make a female blood elf hunter.
Why? You are stating things you can’t back up now. It’s currently just tinfoil hat theories.
And I’ve been here long enough to know that is highly unlikely.
Are you planning on apologizing to me when it DOESN’T happen? I highly doubt you would.
It’s been 5 months. Even if you were somewhat active, you’d have a lot higher numbers.
So that still doesn’t excuse your comment claiming I don’t read when all these factors add up to your lack of overall activity on the forums as well as completely ignoring my own post.
So even ignoring your overall forum activity, you didn’t even fully read the post you replied to insinuating I don’t read.
But the reality is, I’ve read pretty much every mm post that has popped up since the announcement.
And it goes the same way. Every. Single. Time.
And it’s pretty bold to claim I don’t read, especially when this is your FIRST mm topic you’ve actually participated in and you think you know what people want.
Literally no one cares what you post on other than people being disingenuous, and I wouldn’t entertain that nonsense.
It’s irrelevant.
We can’t control what blizzard does. We can just roll with the punches and give feedback.
I was a surv main until legion, then it became melee. I’ve been bm since.
You posted all this just for Blizzard to announce MM can keep pet the exact same minute. lmfao
They have reverted the change.
The Metaslaves have been vanquished once more. You love to see it.
Wow, no it is not the first MM topic I’ve commented in. I’ve commented in several of them, including the “in development” thread about hunter feedback. Not blaming you for not seeing those comments, I would just assume the forum search or activity function doesn’t work like it’s supposed to.
You’re right about one thing, though, we can’t really do much other than just yell at clouds and roll with the changes.
I don’t see your point since it’s literally been unsubstantiated claims up until now lol.
I’d like this more than once if I could.
There’s a blue post detailing the change. You guys spent weeks crying about casuals wanting to keep pets only to lose. Lmfao.
I haven’t said anything like that.
I’ve been of the stance that I would like pets to be removed until they become more than something that sits there and auto attacks and holds threat. Ya know, actually participates in combat like surv?
I’ve also said I’d rather hunters have a pull from stable option than the silly eagle. Many times.
y’all keeping your pets. no more whining!
(check wowhead, MM will keep pets)
I’d have complained much less if they had led with this. The eagle is stupid, conceptually.
Yup. I think that was something pretty much everyone could agree on lol.
It did not make sense to full on remove everyone’s pets and add in the eagle.
And I know they said “There will be customizations… eventually!” but I don’t trust them. Lead with the customizations and you’ll have people on board a lot easier than saying “We’re taking away something that a bunch of you happened to have liked for nearly two decades and replacing it with an eagle you didn’t ask for, but we swear it’ll be totally awesome.”
Maybe when the customizations hit they’ll do another attempt at removing the pet, but if the customizations include -your- pets, I think people would be more receptive to the idea.
You can when the statement has no facts backing it up.
Seems like just an opinion without any points or argument. Which makes the statement invalid.