Removing pets from MM goes against Blizz’s stated goal of keeping the RPG in MMORPG

In your opinion.

However, my own experience on the PTR is that solo delves are markedly more difficult. Hunters have weaker defensives on longer CDs. This is good enough for group content where healers and tanks are part of the make-up.

For Delves and solo content, they’re not up frequent enough and in delves especially - where mobility is often restricted and CCs are less reliable - losing access to a pet has made MM more vulnerable.

Keep in mind, BM and SV have those same defensives and a pet.

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MM will still be able to clear delves without issue.

My own experience and that of others says otherwise.

SV and BM will clear it far easier - they have the same defensives, just as powerful, built-in passive leech and a pet to tank for them.

I am very doubtful of your experience. Try improving at your class.


And I’m doubtful of yours.

They have all the same defensives, and a pet. That makes them hands down, superior. They also do comparable damage.

All the damage, none of the downsides.


I could go into a deep explanation and y’all would still ignore it.

Correct. It’s a statement based on facts.

You can’t argue against facts.

Flawed player experience.

You don’t even realize Hunter is equal to warlocks in the survival area of the game.

To say we have “weak defensives” is flat out wrong

In all these discussions about MM hunters losing their pets I’m impressed by a few things.
Elitist jerks who think only high end content matters should go play another spec or class if they dislike how MM hunter works.
Anyone who changes their spec or class to do end game content should have absolutely no authority to say anything about any spec for the devs to be listening to.


It’s weird, I keep getting pings for two replies, but there’s only ever one in the thread. I wonder if the system is bugged.


It’s a pain to find the other replies…

It’s not the only content that matters but considering that this game is based on GROUP content first and solo content like fourth group content will always take priority over changes.

Actually people with no understanding of the game that only do solo content should be absolutely ignored.

When people play at high end are the people that should be listened too.

Raes is a perfect example. They literally think Hunter defensives are weak :joy:

You have a barely higher IO rating than my hunter. Stop with the elitist drivel.


I don’t push IO rofl. I push to max rewards and then stop.

Try a better argument.


Do you … read the forums? Look at the “likes” on various comments? The minority are the ones who -aren’t- upset.


You: I play at a high level.
Me: My hunter’s IO is basically the same as yours is.
You: I don’t mean high level like -that-.

Dude, shut up. You’re embarrassing yourself.


Considering the forums in general are a minority and all those “likes” are from the same people that are trolls and don’t even play hunter.

Clearly comprehending isn’t your strong suit. Where did I say I push IO at a high level?

O wait I didn’t. Mplus is a means to an end. I do it for vaults so I can mythic raid.

The only one looking dumb here is you.

You’re paranoid, delusional, AND elitist? Fun combo.


Its weird, cause usually its only 1 reply.

I swear this is a small indie company sometimes


Not even close.

You clearly enjoy embarrassing yourself lol

Clearly astronomically more than you.

And clearly you can’t even read posts before replying to them.

I quite literally say that is my assumption based on my scrolling.
But go off trying to dictate what the “majority” think based off a super niche subset of players that actually use the forums.

And if you really want to nit pick…

