Removing pets from MM goes against Blizz’s stated goal of keeping the RPG in MMORPG

This is a minority.

An even smaller minority and anecdotal.

Funny because the vast majority of people on the MM channel of the trueshot lodge are saying the opposite as most are happy for the changes.

Considering logs show the opposite and that the majority of hunters play LW because it’s better.

The very loud people on the forum are not the majority

Most of the people complaining don’t even main hunter.

Yes, the vast majority of the people in the MM channel are flavor of the month players and theory crafters. How many of them jumped on the Dark Ranger train for the two weeks it was overpowered, and then immediately went back to Survival the second Blizzard broke it? How many people do you see stopping by the Discord to ask “Hey, what’s the most powerful spec right now?” They have no intention of playing a spec because they enjoy it, they only want to see big numbers on Details.

You missed the point of everything I said. You’ll also find that people posting on the forums who want to keep the pet tend to get significantly more likes than people who want to get rid of the pet. Stop bootlicking for five seconds and read the room, man.


Rofl no they aren’t. MM let alone Hunter hasn’t been fotm. I suggest learning terms before using them incorrectly.

That’s most people playing a main class. You clearly don’t play at a high level where playing more than one spec is expected.

Because not everyone plays trivial content like world content where a spec or damage profile doesn’t matter.

You don’t get to discredit their opinions because they don’t agree with you.

I didn’t miss it. It’s just invalid.

There’s a few reasons for that. The people wanting to keep the pet liking posts on multiple characters.

There are more “vocal people on these forums” that don’t actually main hunter complaining about the changes.

There are more actual hunter mains for the changes.

Rofl not boot licking. This is another term you clearly don’t understand what it means.

I play at a high level. I’d much rather play MM in keys because I find it more enjoyable. However I can only play it when I’m in groups where my utility is covered by someone else.

If there isn’t a lust class I will play SV or BM because using lust as MM is absurdly annoying.

This rework is fixing core issues with MM as a spec and that’s why most hunters are excited for it.

I don’t know if this is true per say. Listening to the min/max happy crowd? Yes. Surprised by how agitated a lot of people are? They can’t be that naive. This isn’t their first rodeo after all. That’s the part that is so freaking frustrating about this. They KNEW at least some number of players were going to be irritated and upset by this and they just glossed over it completely. The end of the blue post made it sound like this was the most positive and wonderful idea they’ve ever come up with.

And you know what? They could have at least explained why they apparently can’t just ditch Lone Wolf and move on from that with traditional pets, but oh no of course they want to be as evasive and shady as possible.

Sorry, just me venting.


Marksmanship is equivalant to a ranger.

Some rangers dont use pets.

They’re definitely out of touch. From their perspective it is likely a fun and challenging new project. However, the game doesn’t exist to entertain developers. They’re destroying much of the investment many players have in their characters, and it doesn’t look like they could care less. :woman_shrugging:


Those things are vastly different than some light cosmetics to an npc when the systems are already in the game.
Literally copy/paste the bm secondary pet talent and make it into a glyph. Or heck a talent for mm lol.

We both know thats completely unrelated. Nothing has changed more in the game than specs. They constantly add/remove, adjust things. Especially these days.

I’d put gold down they’ll have it by midnight, if not sooner.

My thought is that they may try to add a talent later called “true companion” or something that

“True companion”
“Allow you to call one of your non exotic pets from your stable to accompany you around for a flat % reduced damage”

Working kind of like a reverse lone wolf.

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How do you know they aren’t?

They have a ton of background info we can’t see.
Im sure they are basing this off talent usage across the board.
But thats an impossible thing to measure. You can only assume. And based on just the reactions on the forums, the minority are the ones upset.

But even then, that’s just my assumption from scrolling all these threads since the announcement. And thats still not accurate because a very small minority of players use the forums.

However I do know that when an issue hits the majority and they are actually upset about it. We’ll see 10+ threads in a day getting absolutely spammed by unique users expressing their displeasure.
Not what we’ve been seeing here. The same handful of people arguing back and forth of who is right or wrong. Who are the minority/majority.

Fact of the matter is we will see what people think when this goes live.
If the majority thinks it sucks. We’ll see the forums light up that very Tuesday. If not, we’ll see the same 1 to 2 threads and the same faces fighting with each other.

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Nah if they keep it 100% as is, I could see that not touching damage at all.
Just popping in to do a roar or stun or whatever and vanishing like the eagle does.

Which is why I think it would be more suited as a glyph. Reskin the eagle to whatever.

My thought was so people could pet tank which is the main complaint I see

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Oh true. That’s a good point. In that perspective, I could see that then.

To make the eagle more than the useless raw KFC it is, it would be far far more than light cosmestics. Like, they’d need to rework tame beast so that for 1 of 3 specs it works differently. And then reintroduce it to players after months (if not years - see Path of the Titans) of making it a useless dead ability.

Then they’d need to give back MM all the survivability that the pet currently offers without breaking the game. Reduce the tar trap CD? Well now MM can perma kite every mob without any risk. Make Ice Trap apply to otherwise immune mobs and not break on damage? MM is now the most broken in Mythics and again, trivializes nearly every trash pack. Reduce the CD on Intimidation or binding shot? Well now MM is better at commanding a pet than BM. And that’s just PvE. Roll those into PvP and I don’t even want to know how broken those abilities will be.

Or they can give pets back, but we’re back to square one.

No, it’s quite true when it comes to design. The longer a change is in place and the more that other systems rely on it working in a certain way, the harder it is to change that design.

So… 12 months to beta test an incomplete remimagination of what the class can already do now? No thanks. Save the rework for Midnight and provide the expansive features that return to us what they’re taking away.

Yeah you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Just play surv and bm. MM without a pet is a good thing and frankly should have been the case much earlier.

So give them a petless masters call and roar of sac. Seems like a super easy “fix” for your issue here.

Already there, and surprise surprise it’s not enough.

Great idea, ijs druid has 4 specs, best solution Imo

That’s all you have to say?

That’s not an arguement.

It is more than enough tbh.