ive never met a lone wolf hunter that played that way 100%
well, if I can’t rename them and I can’t control specifically what they do and how they do it I don’t really consider it to be a hunters pet. It’s more like a companion. However, it would be nice to have a completely animal-less spec with tons of ranged damage.
clearly you havent been paying attention all they do is **** **** up now
I just hope that if Blizz decides to allow pet access after all that they don’t scrap the entire idea of a rework to do it. MM needs a rework and I am looking forward to it. I do like pets, but I want to see how this feels to play.
Thats what happens when one change is largely hated by majority. And, mind you, majority also dont frequent forums, so what you have is a small sample on both sides either way
Because thats a fact, people who are in pro of removing the pet are M+ and some M raiders, and they are minority of the wow fanbase, thus, minority of the hunter players.
There is no conspiracy about “loudest crusaders”.
There is no need to, and that is what make people pissed, they can do all the changes and keep the pet as option.
Come over here to be loud, I see.
That’s pretty much what I said? Except for the unfounded claim about a majority, I guess. Well, whatever. You are very loud, so you must be correct.
Did you got offended or something defending snozy?
How unfounded? M+ and mythic raiders are minority, its a fact, you can see how many people are pushing keys and compare to overall population. Even blizz said only 0.5 or 5% of the playerbase raid mythic
Bruh, it’s not like I am friends with that guy (he stated some opinions about delves I disagree with), but you are often wrong.
Unfounded because you so readily assume everyone not doing m+ or mythics are on your side. Personally, I mostly log on to do delves, and yes, I solo delve with lone wolf (it’s how I got my tier 11 deathless) and yes, I am looking forward to these changes. You literally have 0 way of knowing the majority opinion.
They dont care about the RP in the game and have not in a long while.
They got rid of about all the class quests and all the super long quest chains that were tied into the lore. Got rid of the massive grinds to get to R14 and stuff. THis mage was getting to R14 way too fast and is too stupid OP and not with the lore so I quit SoD for that reason. SoD sucks. Just a 1 shot game. I can legit 1 shot people with an arcane surge that can get a crit on it and it does that and then druids one shot and shamans do and now I am all like…wah? Na… No more RP to this game anymore.
No more slow and steady gameplay. Even MoP Remix was a one shot fest were I could legit solo all the dungeons on any difficulty with zero wipes so that is why I only leveled one toon in there and then quit.
They don’t even enforce the naming policy on RP servers anymore. Remember when Blizzard used to get mad when we called them servers and said that they were to be referred to as realms? They don’t even play the game they make because they hate it way too much to be able to log in and enjoy it.
I miss my demon taming quests. Dreadstead, too. Legion was alright for that sort of thing, but the last real class questline for me was green fire.
Because its the truth though, look at the people happy with the fact that they REMOVED THE PET - not happy with the improvements on the spec, happy that they are removing the option to summon then - every single one of then is a M+ player who dislike the hassle to summon the pet, lust, and dismiss it
I do because its projection about numbers
If Casuals = majority
And if casuals = pet
With this, we can safe say the majority rather be with pet as option. Hell even PVP players roll with pet most of the time
And here you are, stating you opinions as fact. Really? You are going to insist that every causal mm plays without lone wolf? Every single on agrees with you? Easy claims to make, impossible to prove. You sure love your logical false premises.
Of course, none of it matters. I don’t care if your wrong. The real question is “Are you the first poster to get on my ignore list?” I mean, I think this is the first time some one has come to shout the same exact opinions at me across forums. I always thought it would be Snowpine, but you make arguing with him feel productive.
But i didn’t say as fact, i say its a safe guess, because its backed up by the number of wow players and casuals being huge and the number of people pushing keys and doing mythic raids are small
What else support that majority don’t want pet in the pet class?
Sure by definition we can’t say the EXACT numbers, because only bliz have those, but i would get my chances saying a ocean have more water than a lake, without knowing the exact liters, than the other way around
But you keep doing it. “I gotta feeling” is terrible logic.
I do. But I also rarely touch my MM Hunter because I find the spec rather boring as it is now, way too much divide mechanically and thematically
^So much this.
BM and MM are objectively different specs. The play style is not remotely the same. I have BM hunters, but I prefer this one, who has always been MM.
Here’s an idea: instead of trying to rework MM, why not leave it as is and make a fourth spec who doesn’t have a pet and never had one? Players who want that “fantasy” can have their very own spec and not a made-over one.
If casuals are majority, they are picking the pet because they do content that the pet makes easier, hell even questing gets easier and faster with one.
All guides recommend pet for leveling and solo content, or stuff like delves and PVP, new players either don’t see guides, and do what they were doing since the beginning with the pet, or use the guides, Plus, RP, thematic and aesthethic, that many players roll with
It is rly hard to see this even without blizz hard numbers?
There isnt much i can do about it, M+ and mythic raiders are minority, thats a hard fact, even if the rest isnt, and the changes are tailored for then.
Eh, seems like overkill. Historically, marksman has had near zero interaction mechanical with its pet. If you want to split the specs, I feel it would make more sense for the petless one to remain marksman and the new one becomes something else. It would probably need a little rework that makes the let feel relevant. You could go the route of taking all these new talents and mechanics and make a lone wolf/hawker hero tree. That has some potential for compromise.
Personally, if all you want is a pet to tank elites and large pulls, I am in growing favor of an Earth Elemental style cd. Summon the top pet from your stable, give a health boost, and it benefits from your misdirection for 30 secs or so. Something to that effect.
Oh boy, I do love reading Syegfryed opinion pieces. Or not.
Playing pigeon chess i see