Removing pets from MM goes against Blizz’s stated goal of keeping the RPG in MMORPG

I understood your point.

Mine was that people are far more likely to complain about the change and that they don’t like something than they are to come to the forums in support. Such is true with many things in life.

A smaller group of people being openly in favor of it being “ratioed” here isn’t something to hang your hat on as “my point is the right one”

I don’t think you can place lone wolf next to mechanics like RoP and Momentum with how unfun they are.

The fact is that virtually no MM hunter is choosing to use a pet. In PvE, no one with am opinion that is relevant uses pets. Even in PvP, where running a pet is valuable because it brings intimidation, mortal strikes or a freedom 48% of all MM players in PvP still run lone wolf.

Remember when hunters had to buy ammo, feed their pets or go around taming certain pets to be able to teach other pets that ability, especially at higher ranks?

I wish those things had stayed in the game, because now it feels like everything’s just automatic when it comes to the maintenance of the hunter. (I feel this way about rogues brewing their own poisons). Those elements made the classes feel more involved.

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I think its just unwanted for its bad ai. The pet is completely passive in most content. The people whining are people who want to kill world rares but dont play bm for…reasons.

Some people just want to play a marksman lol. Would be fine if they just let Hunters choose their pet special without summoning pet, such as masters call, whatever the personal rallying cry is, and primal rage

IN M+ and raid, you need to add the rest of the information, because other forms of content they do, and thats why is dumb to remove the choice.

which is what most people were advocating for, that lone wolf work like grimoire of sacrifice.

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Figured that would be inferred based on the pvp comments

I stood around and counted MM hunters in game for 20 mins in a busy area. 16 MM hunters. 14 had pets out. Your argument is invalid.


People keep acting like the people on the forums (Which have maybe a few thousand active members) speak for the playerbase of WoW (Which has literal millions) and it never stops being fascinating.


And I looked at logs. Top 100 across 8 fights, all Lone Wolf. I’ve also never interacted with MM mains who wanted to use pets.

Adaia, from what I’ve seen a lot of people here understand why instance logs show LW. None of us were given much choice if we want more damage.
That does nothing for the rest of the game. The game isn’t only and hunters aren’t only about mythics and raids.
I get the feeling too many people who keep posting logs of mythics and raids believe that’s all that should matter.
It’s not.


I keep wondering to myself things like…what if I’m MM and OPE! There’s that rare pet I’ve wanted to tame forever. Will I have to swap to BM or SV just to tame it?

Edit: nobody needs the negativity i put out earlier, so i fixed it

I see more MM players disliking this change than I see MM players liking it. I would be interested to see some actual numbers on this.

I personally find thid change to be complete garbage, and turns them into more of a warcraft “ranger” than a wow hunter.

For me, MM WITH PET was the only fun way to play the hunter class.

Un my opinion, BM and SV are just trash fires for play style, completely unplayable and impossible to enjoy.

I never once used the lone wolf talent because why the **** would I want to be a hunter without a pet? Thats like a mage that can’t cast spells or a rogue that can’t use poisons. It’s an intergral part of the class identity, and makes them distinctly different from rangers who generally do not use a pet, and if they do, its more for tracking or scouting. Hunters generally have at least one pet who works with them as a team.


So since MM is the only FUN hunter spec, and they just made it not fun, now the entire class has kost its appeal. Its really sad because i love the gameplay feel, the class fantasy, the aesthetic, and the rp, but no pet is a complete deal breaker.

I do NOT want a generic bird, thats somehow WORSE than just no pet at all. It’s like they’re taunting you for being a spec that doesnt have a real pet.

I was so excited to FINALLY play an actual dark ranger, but noooo, as soon as I start to level one, they kill the last playable spec for the entire class.

It just really sucks.

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How much of that is due to not wanting a pet and how much of that is due to LW being the numerically superior option?

I’m an MM main and I want to keep the option of having a pet.


They’re also ignoring that there are several other talents that directly benefit going petless, like the attack speed increase, meaning that its literally the most optimal way to play MM in high end content, so of course the people doing high end content are gonna drop the pet in favor of chasing the bigger numbers.

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Why stop at 3?

Check out Hemet Nesingwary. I guess he is one of the most well-known hunters in game.

He is a marksman hunter and he have 8 pets! :flushed:


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Just so you know, the old Wowpedia people moved to a new site:

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Lone Wolf has existed for…what, 10 years now? And we have never seen people asking for pet buffs to MM. Only to make it more like Grimoire of Sacrifice.

Which is not using a pet.

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So to be clear…you do irrelevant content and run Lone Wolf? Why?

Define irrelevant content.

Because sometimes I do group content and I’m too lazy to switch every time. I should probably spec out of if it it’ll make all you “but you use LW so why do you want a pet” people to stop acting like it’s some sort of “gotcha”.

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