Nah I’m just not clueless and realize what the great vault actually is.
And I’m not trying to over reward mplus more than it already is because you’re hard stuck on brood.
Nah I’m just not clueless and realize what the great vault actually is.
And I’m not trying to over reward mplus more than it already is because you’re hard stuck on brood.
The confirmation bias is the numbers from that time, the push of the storyline, the bringing back of Chris Metzen, the people online and on youtube confirming the time from Vanilla to the end of MoP was the best era and time for players overall.
Confirmation bias is confirming the truth.
Griding the same X over and over again until your eyes bleed is like, a staple of MMOs.
On topic though, I disagree with your reasoning but I do think the Great Vault should be reworked. IMO it’s overstayed its welcome in its current form and feels less rewarding than it is supposed to be.
M+ is way more repetitive. The devs have leaned on this system way too much pad MAUs.
Just sounds like maybe you’re a bit too invested.
You’re not factoring in that people grew up, went to school, and had families making gaming not as much of a priority
It’s only less rewarding if you do low end content
I misread the title. I thought it said, ‘Removing M+ and changing Great Vault to make the game better’ and I got all excited thinking that there was hope for the future.
How dare you dash my dreams.
This is why Blizzard made express lanes to doing content. We’re all old and younger people want Fortnite, not WoW.
I think the RNG of it is not super great and can be improved.
THIS. This is also why I mentioned in the original post that it will give Devs more time to make better raids and tier set bonuses. Gives more time for inspiration. I’m not saying get rid of M+ just get rid of great vault. And like I said get rid of the catalyst. Tier should remain RAID ONLY.
Way to generalize everyone.
You literally just described the confirmation bias by trying to explain how it isn’t bias lol
The “numbers” from that time was because of the popularity of MMORPG genre at the time, WoW being successful and still relatively “new”. It didn’t have anything to do with the loot systems in place.
I don’t know about that. There’s guilds out there with 200+ pulls on a boss…a single boss. I haven’t even run 200 dungeons total.
Remove the GV
Reduce upgrading gear
Remove rewards upon failure.
Yep. I don’t have the free time to grind gold like I did in 08. If the token was removed I’d quit the game.
I find it ironic, a person claiming they don’t have time has over 7k posts. I’ve seen alts of yours that have just as many posts, lol.
I disagree with removing the vault.
I don’t know if you know but look at the ages of a lot of the Liquid and Echo players. Isn’t Max like 22 maybe 23? how old was he when he got his first Race in Nyalotha?
Nah How about I meet all of the “free sample” expecters and say Great Vault is a 1 time a month event? That should keep everyone happy right? Still get to have your freebee.
If the game didnt m+ id quit.
Dont have time to dedicate hours at a time to not make progress or to schedule play dates
Hop on, grab 4 randos, spend 30 minutes slaughtering things, call it a day
I find it ignorant that people assume posting on the forums equals playtime.
You do realize cell phones exist right?
Most of my posting is done at work where I can’t actually play the game.
I don’t post on alts.
The Sunday is Sundaying… if you’re mad about the great vault wait until you hear about crafting gear…