Removing Great Vault and changing Mythic +/Plus to make the game better

Numbers show then and now. The bad systems you mentioned wasn’t even a system. We didn’t have the bad systems of entitlement, “giving little or nothing in return for all” system of today back then.

Yes multiple peoples personal bias that all seem to fit the same narrative on the game experience being BETTER does matter. It doesn’t matter to you being it doesn’t cater to you wanting free samples for breathing. And THAT is the problem.

Theres that bad faith argument again. Lol.

No point continuing with this discussion if thats where you are coming from


Nah not trolling. Numbers don’t lie. Cut and dry. Night and day. Follow the money.

All the money spent or media and production crews, catering, housing, plane tickets, commercials, and sponsorships wouldn’t happen for a non end game situation.

Raiding is the ultimate spectacle. The main event. The championship round. The superbowl. Game 7 NBA finals. The World series. If you equate WoW gold to real money (which you can if you buy tokens) people pay just to get mythic raid clears for CE and loot… or just to raid with top guilds early or late in the season. These guilds generate money just to raid.

Raiding is End Game. Not mythic plus lol

Your awful takes in this thread are the ultimate spectacle imo.


Thank You. Respectfully

And we already have the Time Machine to go back to that, it’s called Classic. Go ham…


Nah. You didn’t chose to quote the unbiased facts about the business behind it. The data shows. Follow the money. It is what it is. Not my fault all these viewers, crews of people, commentary, and production is POURED into the spectacle that is Race to World’s first. Not my fault all of this is poured into raiding, the end game. It is what it is.

But back to the original topic. Yes get rid of Great Vault and require people to time mythic +/plus to get loot.

If you keep repeating the same thing enough maybe you’ll eventually believe it.


Welcome to World of Diablocraft OP, where the main game is grinding the same 8 dungeons over and over again until your eyes bleed. That is WoW these days.

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Thats simply because like I mentioned earlier. People can literally sit and take 90 minutes a dungeon and complete, not time 8 mythic +/plus runs and get vault slots.

Literally stand in line, breath, and get free samples. Then perform horrible in raid thinking the shiny purples they got for free would just “make” them great. Or they try a actual 11 key with people who want to time and they brick the key because its not a brain dead get loot situation.

Thats the problem. Expect all for little to nothing just to whine when not getting it.

But you’re 100% going against what you said.
If raiding was so much better, the engagement would be there and the numbers would reflect that. But that’s not the case. The option to avoid M+ altogether is still there (I most avoid raiding altogether).

So the people who don’t wanna deal with it don’t have to. Yet they choose to. Taking away that large chunk of players engagement isn’t going to have the effect you think it will.


You mean grinding the same 8 raid bosses over and over and over until your eyes bleed? That is what WoW was in those days.

Lol acting like m+ grind is any different is laughable


Everything going alright, man?


When did I say raiding wasn’t engaging? When did i go against what I said. Everything I mentioned in the original first post flows in line to what I suggested.

I never said take away Mythic +/plus either. I said remove great vault. No one ever said remover Mythic +/plus. But my suggested changes to it may have to feel its being removed which speaks to the issue. You may want to stand in line, breath, and get free samples too

Your suggestion is trash.


Of course? You question because I don’t want to stand in line, breath, and get free stuff? Is that what you want to do?

I never said you didn’t. You said the game was better and had more engagement in the past. In the past we didn’t have m+, so raiding engagement should still be #1, but it’s not.

If everything from the past was better, it would be reflected in the engagement numbers, yet m+ dwarfs raiding engagement.

Again, you’re hung up on confirmation bias from nostalgia

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I guess you’re one of the ones who want to stand in line, breath, and get free samples

That’s due to ease of accessibility to mplus and mythic raiding being harder.

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