Remove/lower titans grip dmg reduction penalty : ) from a Non warrior player

Not trying to sound like im crying or whining, but we have had the warriors in our guild quit due to the recent feral changes (i think). The only reason our warriors have stayed hopes high for ICC and TOGC(?). Is the saying that warrior WILL scale and become good. Unfortunalty in 2023s state of wotlk classic this is no longer the case :(. Simulations show that warrior does scale, just not ENOUGH more then other classes that it will ever take over the damage meters. However with a legendary weapon they become A tier.

Warriors dont have access to enough gear / weapons to make this damage reduction a worthy thing on the talent. Feral just got a 10% according to blizzard damage buff, so i think its only fair the class that shares the same buffs and raid utility (abit less actually) recieves the same 10% damage buff.

Using the excuse that fury “SCALES HARD” is just not true with the current patch of the game. If we werent on the last patch of wotlk, sure this would be true. but we are playing on armor pen nerfs and titans grip penalty.

Just do all the warrior bros the same favour you did for feral and remove the titans grip penalty. and then warriors will have there time to shine in icc when they receive shadowmourne.


Yes. The scaling myth was exactly that, a myth. They are undertuned. If going from ilvl 213 to 238 had you parallel in scaling with other classes, there is no miracle that will happen from 238 to 264. Assassination rogues GOT MORE DPS out of Ulduar than Fury warriors. The #1 spec scaled harder than warriors this tier. Every class scaled to a very close degree in Ulduar. None scaled badly. Fury is decent but not even the best scaler. WIth the massive gulf between warriors and others, they will not catch up.

We have sims now that have been accurate for seeing stat weights and scaling from 213 to 238. We know what will happen going to 264. It is bad. Warriors are just bad. Low damage, low utility, and is actually the one class you could bring 0 of and be better off for it. Worse than feral or rets were PRE buffs for those classes. Both of those got buffed. Ferals to an insane degree, already putting them inches behind assassination, making them the #1 or #2 dps on any fight that isnt Hodir/Vezax stlye mechanics.


the feral buff was more dps then going from naxx to ulduar gear haha


Thank you for your support warlock king



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Let’s just get rid of Titan’s Grip all together. Roll arms if you want to swing a big weapon.


Even if Warriors won’t skyrocket with ToC/ICC, they will still perform very well.
Not every class/spec supposed to be S-tier.

There is always going to be someone at the top and someone at the bottom.

And if we are to look at logs, Warriors aren’t that far behind.
Overall tuning, across all classes, is not nearly as bad, even comparing it to modern WOW. (SL/DF). There is always going to be meta. And there are always going to be people who will play class the enjoy and not chase FOTM.

None of this should have even come as a surprise. No one expected Fwarrs to match Affic/Assa until P4.

I play resto druid. Feel free to look up my logs. This is my only actively raiding toon. I’m not S-tier healer. I’m certainly not the best either. I’m good. Way above average. But not the best. And avg hpals/discs will always beat me in healing. I happen to play the class/spec I really enjoy with a lot of fun people. I’m happy. So are our warriors. & rets.

Thats cool and all but i think the point of the begging for fury buffs is that feral just got buffed by a MAJOR amount leaving fury in the dust making there no reason to bring it anymore. if feral didnt get buffed fury would still be viable to bring for its buffs, but it no longer is.

All we want is to be equal and with the unfair buffs given to feral but not us when feral already did more single target dmg, its just a spit in the face


Warriors are very far behind and won’t catch up

Only by like 12% in total highest possible damage comparing to Affic.

Read the charts from wowlogs.
If your damage difference vs your warlocks more than 15-20%, means you are not doing your best. Simple as that.

Fury top parse sits at 80 score (x-axis) (but top parse at 82 different graph)
Affic sits at 92. Top parse Affic will do roughly 10-12% more damage than top parse Warrior.

Ofc this varies boss to boss, but this graph shows overall for the entire raid.

PS/Edit: Also, let’s be real. Fwarr rotation is like 20 times easier than Feral. So if there are some top performing Ferals topping meters, it is well deserved. Fwarr is possibly the easiest PvE rotation next to Assa rogue.

Afflic max is almost 40% higher in dps, over 20% higher average

On Hodir, perhaps. But then its ahead of everyone by nearly 40%.

I don’t agree with this.

I agree with most of the rest of your post though. Fury aren’t that far behind. We’re okay and don’t need a buff. But without Bearweaving Fury and Cat are on par difficulty wise.

Fury are absolutely trash if you don’t play close to optimally. And to play optimally you need to be monitoring oh and MH swing timers, fast reacting to random procs, and stance dancing to rend weave at just the right time with just the right amount of Rage. All while maximising output in proc buff uptimes windows. Only then are Fury going to be doing Okay.

So, it’s fine but I wouldn’t say it’s an easy mode spec. This ain’t vanilla where you could massage your face with the keyboard and top the logs.

Riger you’re a reasonable person. I disagree with you on certain points but all it is is that you have your own perspective/threshold for what is okay and what isn’t. I think feral having much greater utility while doing 700-1000 more dps at all levels is excessive, but as you often state, you feel like it’s fine, you aren’t worried. Fair. Tesalyn however is disingenuous and not worth responding to, manipulates the data, and just likes to troll. The main thing I see communities agree on right now is, love for the warrior tears/salt mines. Kind of sad.


Tesalyn says “not everyone can be an S tier class someone has to be at the bottom” if that’s the case then what’s so wrong with feral being on the bottom? It’s not an issue for you anymore so you don’t care about where warrior dps is. Hunter dps isn’t top but it definitely is one of the highest skill ceiling classes there are now especially since feral’s don’t have to bearweave.


I think this is it. Someone has to be bottom sure. But the core issue is when it is Blizzard determining who that is.

Play it out. If a class slips far enough that it’s not in the running like Ret fix it but otherwise let it play out.

… but what about us poor arms warriors?

No, because it will make warriors even more absurd in ICC. Trust me, warriors time will come. They are notorious for scaling. And the complaints from warriors are from those who mainly never played back in WOTLK. Trust me. Once TOC and onward happens they take off DPS in a big way.

I could agree with arms warriors. But the problem is more due to the mechanic of how the class works than anything else. I would say a glyph of execution that operates when an Arms warrior crits with a melee swing for example would help it out as an example. But no way should any fury warrior be buffed.

We can run the sims now, fury scaling beyond anyone else is simply not going to happen