At least one week ago I used to be able to post on all of the forum categories with only a starter edition account and not paying any subscription
Removing Friendly Trivial NPC Names - #2 by Ketho-boulderfist
Now this is no longer possible. I asked a GM about it, they replied I was not supposed to have access and it might have been a website bug that was fixed
The reason I’m asking about this is, as an EU player and addon developer I was happy I could be helpful in the UI & Macro forum and also have a direct connection with the US community managers. This way I asked them if we could mute or replace sounds again with the API
UI Changes in Rise of Azshara - #22 by Bornakk
I looked back and was able to post on both US and EU forums without any active sub since at least June 2019. Was this a bug that recently got fixed? - and is there any small chance I could get posting access on the UI & Macro forum again without having to pay for a second sub?
Hey there, this is Game Master <snip>.
Checking into this, the only forums that were meant to be available when you do not have a subscription are the support forums and the new and returning player forums. The UI macro forums are not showing as ever meant to be available to post in with out a sub, so the fact that you were able to is actually very odd. This may have been unintentional and it was fixed as a bug. But I can’t find any documentation to confirm this for sure.
What I would advise for now is reporting this in the Website bug report forums, as this is still accessible with out a subscription, and it sends it to our website developers for review so they can look into it as a potential issue.
Edit: just me being dumb and assuming it was a bug while I only needed an active sub on EU
How did you solve the issue? I’m still unable to post in us (without sub) while I’m obviously subbed in the eu.
As far as I know, you just need to have an active sub on EU on the same account and then all US forums would be available to post in. I’m able to post this way at least. Otherwise try relogging on the forums
Tried relogging, doesn’t work, but I guess your answer explains it: same battle net account having both the US and EU account, in my case any account I’ve made for the purpose to log in the US game I ended up being able to only log the EU, so they’re basically useless atm, as in I set region to america, log the game and I find out I’m in the EU, I found out I needed to make a new account with my country set to the US, with that I was able to log the US realms.
On other hand, to my annoyance earlier I ended up being logged in the US realm with my main EU account, which obviously was not my intention, so it’s complicated but there’s likely a way I can log both with the same battle net account if I understand how to do so reliably.
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Solved, thanks for the info! I hadn’t read anywhere that this “current game time” could also work if it was EU game time to post in the US forums and viceversa, as you can tell from my previous message I was very confused, but today it worked and it was actually easier than I thought.
I changed my log in region to america on battle net before logging it, then noticed I had, on top of my normal accounts, and starter account in eu, also a starter us account, so I logged, made this, levelled in 40 mins and now I can post in US forums too, useful!
Yeah so to summarize, you need:
- a US starter edition account and a toon leveled to 10
- game time or an active sub on EU
I’m not sure about the “logging in to region to america” before logging in, for me I just have both the US and EU account show up in my app and when I login to the US forums it automatically uses my US starter edition account
I assumed you already fulfilled the US starter edition part since you were posting with a level 10 toon here in the first place. Although now you have two level 10 toons 
Also on a tangent, I don’t have access to the shadowlands US beta forums while I have beta access on my EU account
I actually have 3 level 10 + toons on us, on 2 different accounts now! That level 10 I was posting with earlier was on a different battle net which I made specifically for US, while this one is on my same EU battle net, which is why I couldn’t post on the other section before.
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Hey, sorry if I write you again but I have a fairly big problem and you’re probably the most indicated to ask this question to: I can no longer log my chars in the EU forums since today, I can log the account but chars don’t show up, tried changing password, language, logging on, off, nothing, US works fine.
Since you also are an EU + US player, do you have any idea how I could solve this?
I just checked and don’t have the same issue. It seems to be a separate issue, sorry I can’t help. I’d also rather not keep bumping this thread so I can hide my dumb mistakes ._.
Missing forum characters seems to be a general problem atm. I was going to switch posting characters, 90% of my 50 are missing.
Ahah, it’s ok, the problem as far as I know has been fixed by blizzard’s forums maintenance the day 17.