Remove world buffs from raids

Also, classes would be far closer in terms of DPS and warriors would be nerfed like they should be.

It’s a win win for everyone.

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yup, it would also benefit the warrior haters :expressionless: it’s a great decision all around

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Yeah, all the rets and druids complaining about how bad their dps is. They would be instantly better if warriors and rogues couldn’t get world buffs.

But chases world buffs?

Because they make him not because he wants to.

Did you not read the part where I said he complains about it?

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Warriors massively gain, rogues do also but not near as much as warrior. Warrior stat scaling is insane because of how rage works, and because flurry is autopilot slice giving warrior basically full resources to use on damage abilities.

They fall off big time in TBC so it doesn’t matter.

Warriors are literally top DPS at the end of TBC though.

Wow the very end of an entire expansion?


Rogues are pretty bad in TBC too.

That’s not true at all, they’re about the same as they are in Vanilla… Not tip top DPS but really damn good anyway.

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No they are bad and can’t get groups.

Try being a rogue in TBC P1 and P2 and you’ll learn.

My hunter will be my main in tbc

I’m leveling a shadow priest for TBC if I play it.

Also a lock prob

Ive never played any raids in TBC, so it’s gonna be amazing no matter what I play.

Yeah 1500 in arena will be huge for you.

I dont care about arena.

What do you even do then.

There is no other content in TBC.

I have barely ever played tbc lol.

I dunno what Im gonna do.

Doesn’t sound like you will be doing anything.

All there is, is raiding or arena.